ASIAN LC 110 Book History of Japan: Manuscripts, Maps and Manga
Overview of Class In this class, we examine writing and books as "technologies" that not only facilitate communication but also impact the very way we think: through writing, our thoughts become more structured and coherent. We seek to defamiliarize the seemingly trivial object that is the book and challenge Eurocentric histories of writing and publishing. While analyzing the material format of writing, we also consider what makes good prose and hone our academic writing skills.
Learning Objectives The development of close reading skills, critical thinking skills and writing skills.
Teaching Method Lecture and Discussion
Evaluation Method Final grade will be determined by: (1) in-class and in-app (Perusall) participation; (2) one-page weekly response paper inspired by the reading(s); (3) a final paper.
Class Materials (Required) Two or three books amounting to no more than 30$
Overview of class This course offers a survey to Korean film history as understood through the lens of collective social imagination. Since its birth, cinema has contributed to the making of collective experiences in the public sphere. Examining how Korean films have continued envisioning the modern transformations of society, this course gives special attention to films which engage intensively with the relevant themes of colonization, national division, industrialization, democratization, and globalization. Through film screenings, readings, and in-depth discussions on each text, students will gain insight into the larger historical, social, and cultural contexts that informed and shaped the production and consumption of Korean cinema.
Learning Objectives The course aims to: (1) understand the larger historical, social, and cultural contexts surrounding Korean cinema; (2) examine chosen film texts in regard to its spectatorship; (3) introduce theoretical frameworks of national/transnational cinema discourse, genre films, and independent filmmaking; (4) develop skills to analyze the moving images; and (5) gain experience in presenting research (oral and written), thinking and reflecting critically on the given texts, and critiquing scholarly work.
Teaching Method Discussion with Lectures
Evaluation Method Attendance, Weekly Responses, Film Analysis Essays, Final Paper, Presentations
Class Materials (required) All assigned readings are accessible through the course website.
ASIAN LC 240 Korean Popular Culture in Global Context
Overview of class This course critically examines contemporary Korean popular culture and the phenomenon of its growing global circulation, prominence, and visibility. It explores the various forms of Korean popular culture not as “mere entertainment” but as economic, political, and social texts, situated both in domestic and global context. With diverse selected cultural forms, such as television, film, music, sports and the internet culture, we will investigate various global cultural forces that are at work in the production, distribution, and consumption of Korean popular culture. The course aims to foster in-depth understanding of the place of Korean popular culture in Korean society, both historically and within contemporary moment as well as within the continuously changing global dynamics.
Learning Objectives The course aims to: (1) have a broad-based understanding of Korean culture and society; (2) develop analytical tools for understanding Korean Popular Culture in today’s global media landscape; (3) gain experience in presenting research (oral and written), thinking and reflecting critically on the given texts, and critiquing scholarly work; (4) craft a structured argument advancing a specific original claim in the form of a carefully constructed final paper.
Teaching Method Discussion with Lectures
Evaluation Method Attendance, Weekly Responses,Midterm Paper, Final Paper, Presentations
Class Materials (required) All assigned readings are accessible through the course website.
ASIAN LC 260 The Big B: Amitabh Bachchan and Bollywood Stardom
Overview of class The Hindi film industry, often called Bollywood, is famously one of the world’s biggest and most recognizable. Every year, the studios in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) put out hundreds of movies, in addition to the hundreds more that are released by India’s other film industries in languages like Tamil, Telugu, and Bengali. Most of these movies are full of songs and dances, and bring action, comedy, tragedy, and romance together into one (often very complex) story. As the subject of our class has said, Hindi cinema “offers poetic justice in three hours. You walk away with a smile on your lips and dried tears on your cheeks.” Film industries everywhere choose a few actors to elevate above all others. The biggest of these movie stars in India, and perhaps in the world, is Amitabh Bachchan. With his brooding, rebellious charisma, not to mention his ready wit, resonant baritone voice, and enviable dance moves, his “angry young man” persona dominated the films of the 1970s. Today, half a century after his film debut, he is still a major star. His face and voice are instantly recognizable, not only throughout South Asia and its diaspora, but in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere. As his characters have aged from youthful rebels to somewhat less youthful rebels to stern patriarchs to goofy old men obsessed with their digestive tracts, he has at times seemed inescapable off the movie screen as well. He has spent time in politics, hosted a wildly successful game show, and starred in children’s comic books; one fan has even built a temple to worship him as a literal idol. In this course, we will focus on Amitabh Bachchan, not only because he and his films are so interesting, but because he has so much to tell us about how Indian films work and what a star is. Students will have opportunities to think and write, not only about Amitabh and his films, but about film and celebrity more broadly.
Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to analyze Hindi films, and other elements of South Asian popular culture, in light of cultural, social, and political considerations; critically evaluate scholarly work relating to South Asian history and culture; work with classmates to produce knowledge collaboratively; and make cogent and persuasive arguments, orally and in writing, incorporating careful analysis of primary and secondary materials.
Teaching Method Seminar
Evaluation Method participation, papers, and presentations
Class Materials (Required) William Elison, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Andy Rotman, Amar Akbar Anthony: Bollywood, Brotherhood, and the Nation (Harvard University Press, 2016, ISBN 9780674504486)
Overview of class This course examines Japanese historical novels, mysteries, horror stories and other genres of popular literature, framing them against issues such as class, gender, sexuality, colonialism, consumerism, and globalism. Students also consider the relation between popular fiction and other media, including manga and anime, and explore key theoretical concepts such as intermediality and fandom, as well as aesthetic categories like "cuteness" and "Lolita-style." In the process, students will deepen their understanding of Japanese history and culture, and acquire a conceptual vocabulary for analyzing a wide range of audiovisual and print media. All reading materials are in English. No prior knowledge of Japan is required.
Learning Objectives The development of close reading skills, critical thinking skills and writing skills.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Final grade will be determined by: (1) in-class and in-app (Perusall) participation; (2) one-page weekly response paper inspired by the reading(s); (3) a final paper.
Class Materials (Required) Two or three books amounting to no more than 30$
Overview of class This course is dedicated to the study of environment and culture in east Asia, particularly in China. China is often imagined both as a site of localized environmental ruination that prefigures imminent global collapse and as a source of contamination and contagion that easily cross national borders. Particularly in the Global North, China has become a focal point for ambient ecoanxieties that are shadowed by longer histories of perceived racial, cultural, and economic threat. It is easy (and essential) to critique the demonization of China; the challenge lies in disentangling the imagined from the very real and present dangers that country’s environmental and public health problems pose at home and abroad. This course confronts that challenge by approaching our current environmental crises not as scientific issues with technological solutions, but as crises of culture and urgent objects of representation. How we imagine and depict our uncertain future has a direct impacts on how we act in the present. Course materials will include secondary scholarship from the field of the environmental humanities as well as works of speculative fiction, contemporary visual art, documentary photography, and film.
Learning Objectives 1. Students should be able to consider contemporary Asian environmental problems in their broader historical and geographical contexts; 2. Students should be able to reflect critically in writing on cultural dimensions of environmental problems; 3. Students should be familiar with the terminology and methods of the field of environmental humanities and display an ability to adapt them to Asian contexts; 4. Students should be able to carry out advanced research combining cultural and environmental approaches to the study of Asia as part of a final research project.
Teaching Method Seminar discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance and Participation: 25%; Response Posts: 15%; Essay 1: 20%; Final Project: 40%
Class Materials (Required) Wu Ming-Yi, The Man with the Compound Eyes; Chen Qiufan, The Wastetide; Course Reader
Overview of Class The Chinese Chan (Japanese Zen) Buddhist tradition is one of the most famous branches of Buddhism in the world, but also one of the most widely misunderstood. This course explores the history, literature, philosophy, visual culture, and monastic practices of Chan/Zen Buddhism in East Asia. We pay special attention to the ways Chan/Zen innovated within the Buddhist tradition to establish a uniquely East Asian school of Buddhism. Along the way we consider the changing place of meditation in Chan/Zen practice, closely read Chan/Zen sermons and koans, analyze the role of women and gender in Chan and Zen, and conclude by considering the modern reception of Zen in the West.
Overview of class This course explores some of the most influential texts of the major East Asian religious and philosophical traditions including Confucianism, Daoism, Chan/Zen Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism still prominent in China, Japan, Tibet, and several other Asian societies today. The goal is to understand the significance and the place that they have in East Asian cultures. This course will probe the following questions: What are the preoccupations these texts address? How can humans achieve contentment in the world? What are the moral values these texts instill? Beyond this historical focus, this course will also reflect on ways that these literary and religious texts have been appropriated and adapted in the modern context. Each period dedicated to a specific text will be preceded by an introduction to the tradition it represents offering an historical background together with biographical and/or content outlines.
Learning Objectives a) Gain exposure to a set of classic texts that intersect the realms of religion and literature, leading to reflection on both of these forms of cultural expression. b) Explore a diversity of cultural worldviews reflected in the texts, thus exercising their imagination. c) Train in the critical analysis of different literary genres, including scriptural, philosophical, ethical, and biographical examples. d) Engage in consistent and cumulative writing practice in response to complex and challenging works. e) Develop their own unique understanding of the relationship between religion and literature.
Teaching Method The course format will include a combination of lecture and discussion. Every student\'s active participation is required for a successful fulfillment of the course. Students will be encouraged to exercise critical thinking and to participate in class discussions. Students will analyze primary source material in translation, critically evaluate content and concepts, and will be encouraged to synthesize the information and communicate it effectively and thoroughly.
Evaluation Method Regular attendance; in-class/online presentation; mid-term test/paper; end of term paper
Class Materials (required) - Confucius / Annping Chin (transl). The Analects. Penguin Classics (2014) - ISBN 978-0143106852 - Lao Tzu / D.C. Lau (transl). Tao Te Ching. Penguin Classics; Reprint edition (1964) - ISBN 978-0140441314 - Tsangnyon Heruka / A. Quintman (transl). The Life of Milarepa. Penguin Classics; 1 edition (2010) - ISBN 978-0143106227 - Wu Cheng\'en / Anthony C Yu (transl). The Monkey and the Monk: An Abridgment of The Journey to the West. University of Chicago Press; 1 edition (2006) - ISBN 978-0226971568
Overview of Class What is Asia? Where is it? What makes a language, a culture, a people “Asian”, and why? When and how did “Asia” emerge as a concept and as a field of knowledge, and what does it mean for us as students and scholars situated in 21st century Northern American academia to enter the circuit of production, consumption, and re-production of knowledge of and about Asia? We will engage these questions by first of all understanding the genealogies and the definitions and research practices in the field of Asian studies, our own as well as others’. We will then move on to discuss together how to describe research topics, articulate research questions, and identify primary materials through which to explore them; how to find, read, evaluate, and make original use of existing scholarship; how to use library research to frame and inform the analysis of primary cultural materials; and how to communicate the aims and results of research to a community of peers. Regardless of whether our respective area/s of interest lies in the early modern, modern, and contemporary periods and in the local, national, regional contexts of Asia, the goal of our time together will be to imagine and map ways in which we can carry out and write meaningful research. Your individual student research projects will constitute the core of the seminar, and you will develop them progressively in a workshop setting. You will thus be expected to begin the course with a clear research topic, and a rough idea of what primary sources you may use to develop it. Over the course of the quarter, each of you will develop their research topic into an original 12-15 page research paper. For students who wish to complete a Senior Thesis in ALC, this paper will provide the core of the thesis, to be more thoroughly elaborated over the rest of the year. Students whose topics are not concerned with pre-modern, modern and contemporary China, East Asian studies, gender and sexuality studies, visual culture, and fashion theory (my main areas of specialization) are encouraged to seek out additional faculty support for their research, especially if they plan to complete a Senior Thesis in the quarters ahead.
Learning Objectives - Choose and develop research questions that speak to critical Asian humanities and that are connected to specific materials and research topics -Find, read, evaluate, and integrate existing scholarship related to one’s chosen topic into one’s research and analysis of primary sources - Present original research orally and in writing to an audience of informed peers -Engage enthusiastically in the process of peer review -Development of methodological skills in studying, reading, and analyzing the primary and secondary sources related to the themes of the seminar. -Growth as independent researchers in the field of critical Asian humanities. -Growth as independent academic thinkers and writers in the above areas and disciplines.
Teaching Method Discussion
Evaluation Method Weekly assignments and peer reviews (35%), Final Presentation (10% total), Final Paper (30%), and participation and attendance (25%)
Class Materials (Required) All readings and films, including optional material, will be available on Canvas
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This course is designed for advanced beginners such as Chinese heritage students who have exposure to Chinese language and culture at home and have some prior knowledge of Chinese. Other students who want to take this course should have similar linguistic profile. This course aims to help students further hone all four language skills with emphasis on reading and writing.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter: Textbook and Workbook Integrated Chinese (Volume I, 4th edition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911356 (textbook); 978-1622911370 (workbook) Price: $59.99 (textbook); $23.39(workbook)
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: Textbook and Workbook Integrated Chinese(Volume II, 4th edition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911417 (textbook); 978-1622911431(workbook) Price: $63.99 (textbook); $31.99(workbook)
Overview of class: This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and background cultural information. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Note to students who are joining Chinese 121-1 in fall 2020 through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.2 (ebook): $35 (Spring quarter)
Overview of class: This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and background cultural information. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Note to students who are joining Chinese 121-1 in fall 2020 through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.2 (ebook): $35 (Spring quarter)
Overview of class: This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and background cultural information. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Note to students who are joining Chinese 121-1 in fall 2020 through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.2 (ebook): $35 (Spring quarter)
Overview of class: This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and background cultural information. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Note to students who are joining Chinese 121-1 in fall 2020 through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
2. Modern Reader vol.2 (ebook): $35 (Spring quarter)
Overview of class: This course is an intermediate Chinese class for heritage learners who grew up in Chinese speaking environments and have completed at least one year of college-level Chinese. The goals of this course are to train students to learn Chinese characters systematically and efficiently through texts that are arranged by themes, which are directly related to students' daily activities. Students will be able to read simple texts and newspaper articles. They will also be able to write short letters and essays about their daily life. By the end of the sequence of the course in Spring, students will have a command of the 2,000 most commonly used Chinese characters selected by the Languages and Characters Committee of China. Students are expected to come to class fully prepared. They should participate in class activities and discussions actively. They will do dictations for each of the six/seven lessons, take written quizzes, dictations, oral exams, and a final exam.
Registration Requirements: Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method: Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method: Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class: This course is an intermediate Chinese class for heritage learners who grew up in Chinese speaking environments and have completed at least one year of college-level Chinese. The goals of this course are to train students to learn Chinese characters systematically and efficiently through texts that are arranged by themes, which are directly related to students' daily activities. Students will be able to read simple texts and newspaper articles. They will also be able to write short letters and essays about their daily life. By the end of the sequence of the course in Spring, students will have a command of the 2,000 most commonly used Chinese characters selected by the Languages and Characters Committee of China. Students are expected to come to class fully prepared. They should participate in class activities and discussions actively. They will do dictations for each of the six/seven lessons, take written quizzes, dictations, oral exams, and a final exam.
Registration Requirements: Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method: Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method: Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class: This course is an intermediate Chinese class for heritage learners who grew up in Chinese speaking environments and have completed at least one year of college-level Chinese. The goals of this course are to train students to learn Chinese characters systematically and efficiently through texts that are arranged by themes, which are directly related to students' daily activities. Students will be able to read simple texts and newspaper articles. They will also be able to write short letters and essays about their daily life. By the end of the sequence of the course in Spring, students will have a command of the 2,000 most commonly used Chinese characters selected by the Languages and Characters Committee of China. Students are expected to come to class fully prepared. They should participate in class activities and discussions actively. They will do dictations for each of the six/seven lessons, take written quizzes, dictations, oral exams, and a final exam.
Registration Requirements: Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method: Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method: Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities.. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral tests, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities.. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral tests, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class Three-quarter sequence of intermediate-advanced Chinese, with emphasis on formal speaking and writing. It is expected that students are able to express themselves accurately and appropriately about Chinese cultural concepts, social change, economic development and human relationships.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method We use Chinese to discuss our readings. Students are also expected to write short essays based on the topics discussed in class.
Evaluation Method Attendance and Participation 10%, Essays 30%, Oral reports 30%, Final 30%
Class Materials (Required) Textbook “ Reading Into a New China” by Duanduan Li & Irene Liu, Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-88727-627-9 Price: $49.99
Overview of class Chinese 311 is a quarter-long series of Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 311-1: Formal Speaking, Chinese 311-2: Formal Writing, and Chinese 311-3: Formal Reading. The courses are designed to develop students’ abilities to speak and write formal Chinese respectively, as well as to read short literary works in Chinese. The content of the courses cover argumentations and articles on various topics, including Chinese culture, society and contemporary history. Student will also read authentic Chinese literary works in different written forms and language styles by various authors, with a focus on their cultural and social background. The goal of the courses is to train students to use written vocabulary and formal expressions as well as know how to arrange a structured speaking/writing with complete format and logical connections. Students will reach advanced low in reading, writing, listening and speaking based on ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements CHINESE 211-3 with grade C- or above. Students may be placed into this course by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method Class meets twice per week, 80 minutes per class. The course is designed with intensive student-oriented activities through reading various class materials, including essays, media reports and authentic Chinese literature works. Students are expected to read materials ahead of class, participate in in-class discussions led by the instructor, and make formal statements, arguments, speeches and debates about social and cultural phenomena in paragraphs. With instructor’s necessary corrections and suggestions on students’ papers, they are expected to present their works as formal oral presentations. Chinese is used for instruction.
CHINESE 315-1 Chinese IV - Accelerated: Formal Writing and Public Speaking
Overview of Class Chinese 315 is a quarter-long series of advanced modern Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 315-1: Formal writing and Public speaking, Chinese 315-2: Advanced Reading and Writing, Chinese 315-3: Media and Society. The content of these three courses covers contemporary social and media issues in China such as the Chinese economy, education, and pop culture. The curricular goals for these courses are: to help students learn to use semi-formal and formal language for write essays and give oral presentations on topics related to social and economic issues. Class activities and assignments include: discussions and presentations that focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon satisfactory completion of these courses, students are expected to be able to give oral presentation and write short essays about Chinese social cultural issues in the Chinese language. They will reach advanced mid to high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
(Note: Chinese 315-2 is not offered in 2021)
Registration Requirements Chinese 215-3 with grade C- or above or by placement. Three courses of Chinese 311-1, 2, 3, 312-1, 312-2 with C- or above, or by placement test.
Teaching Method Discussions on preassigned readings. Students are required to do the preparation before class. Whole class, individual and group work.
Fall quarter Textbook: Reading China: A Panorama of Life, Culture, and Society (Volume 1) Publisher: Author: Zhengguo Kang, Ling Mu, Peisong Xu, Rohngzhen Li (traditional character edition or 4th edition, both published in 2010) Printed by Price:$38.99
Winter quarter Textbook: Road to Success (Volume 1) Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press Author: Zhao Dongmei ISBN-978-7-5619-2177-7 Price:$25
Spring quarter Textbook: Road to Success (Volume 2) Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press Author: Li Xiaoli ISBN-978-7-5619-2253-8 Price: $26
Overview of the class This course is a year long, three quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no Hindi-Urdu background. At the beginning of the three quarter sequence, the students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students are be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), the students continue to learn new grammatical constructions. By the end of the second quarter the students are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3) students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. The third quarter culminates in a cooking project, which requires the students to use the cumulative language skills that they would have honed over the period of the academic year. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-terms and an oral interviews. No final exam.
Overview of the class This course is a year long, three quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no Hindi-Urdu background. At the beginning of the three quarter sequence, the students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students are be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), the students continue to learn new grammatical constructions. By the end of the second quarter the students are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3) students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. The third quarter culminates in a cooking project, which requires the students to use the cumulative language skills that they would have honed over the period of the academic year. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-terms and an oral interviews. No final exam.
Overview of class This course is designed for students who speak Hindi and/or Urdu, but who cannot read and write in both scripts. Students will learn how to read and write in Devanagari (Hindi) and Nastaliq (Urdu) scripts. We will also review Hindi-Urdu grammar, focusing on areas that present difficulty for heritage speakers. At the end of the quarter, students will be evaluated for placement into higher-level Hindi-Urdu courses such as HIND_URD 121-2, 211-2, etc.
Registration Requirements With instructor/departmental consent.
Teaching Method Seminar
Evaluation Method Assessment is based primarily on in-class quizzes, attendance, classroom participation, and home assignments. No final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Richard Delacy, Read and Write Urdu Script: 978-1444103939 Rupert Snell, Read and Write Hindi Script: 978-1444103915 All other essential materials will be available through Canvas
Class Materials (Suggested – these may change) S.K. Verma, Oxford English-Hindi Dictionary: 978-0195648195 Shanul Haq Haqqee, Oxford English-Urdu Dictionary: 978-0195793406 R.S. McGregor, Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary: 978-0198643395 S.M. Salimuddin and Suhail Anjum, Oxford Urdu-English Dictionary: 978-0195979947
Overview of class This is a year long, three quarter language sequence. Students start the year by working on reinforcing all the language skills attained the year before, and adding the Nastaliq (Urdu) script to their skill set. They continue developing speaking skills and listening comprehension, as well as expanding the Hindi-Urdu grammar and vocabulary. We do so by reading poems, short stories, watching and discussing movie clips, short films and videos, and making in-class Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Some of the topics that we touch upon during the year are short Hindi-Urdu stories, stories from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the tales of Akbar and Birbal, etc. By the end of the three quarter sequence students attain intermediate-mid or higher language proficiency in Hindi-Urdu.
Note: Please purchase all the required textbooks in the fall quarter, as this is the only quarter that they are ordered during the year.
Registration Requirements C- or better in Hindi-Urdu 111-3 for Hindi-Urdu 121-1, Hindi-Urdu 121-1 for Hindi-Urdu 121-2, Hindi-Urdu 121-2 for Hindi-Urdu 121-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, extra materials, movies.
Evaluation Method The students are graded on the basis of home assignments, weekly quizzes, midterm, attendance, oral interviews and class participation. No final.
Class Materials (Recommended) Intermediate Hindi Reader (1999) by U. Jain with K. Schomer. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 087725351X ISBN-13: 978-0877253518 Intermediate Hindi (1996) by Y. Kachru and R. Pandharipande Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN-10: 8120805585 ISBN-13: 978-8120805583
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and video viewing. Students are encouraged to identify and self-correct errors in their language use to become independent learners. The instructor will assist in this learning process through oral and written feedback. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, the students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, discuss their daily routines and experiences, and write letters to friends.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral and written examinations
Class Materials (Required) Hasegawa, Y. (2005). Elementary Japanese (Volume One) with CD-ROM. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN: 978-4805313688; AJALT (2012). JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE: Kana Workbook (for the Revised 3rd Edition). ISBN: 978-1-56836-401-8; Course Packet ($10-12)
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2002). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-4-7700-2891-4 / 4-7700-2891-1.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and video viewing. Students are encouraged to identify and self-correct errors in their language use to become independent learners. The instructor will assist in this learning process through oral and written feedback. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, the students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, discuss their daily routines and experiences, and write letters to friends.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral and written examinations
Class Materials (Required) Hasegawa, Y. (2005). Elementary Japanese (Volume One) with CD-ROM. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN: 978-4805313688; AJALT (2012). JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE: Kana Workbook (for the Revised 3rd Edition). ISBN: 978-1-56836-401-8; Course Packet ($10-12)
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2002). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-4-7700-2891-4 / 4-7700-2891-1.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and video viewing. Students are encouraged to identify and self-correct errors in their language use to become independent learners. The instructor will assist in this learning process through oral and written feedback. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, the students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, discuss their daily routines and experiences, and write letters to friends.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral and written examinations
Class Materials (Required) Hasegawa, Y. (2005). Elementary Japanese (Volume One) with CD-ROM. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN: 978-4805313688; AJALT (2012). JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE: Kana Workbook (for the Revised 3rd Edition). ISBN: 978-1-56836-401-8; Course Packet ($10-12)
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2002). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-4-7700-2891-4 / 4-7700-2891-1.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) through readings, video viewing, written assignments, and in-class activities. The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to use auxiliary verbs and complex sentences to express subtle differences in meaning and accuracy appropriate to the given contexts. Student will also practice describing their experiences and summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched in an organized manner. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development, and written assignments are given for reading and writing skills development. Useful expressions in daily life and social and cultural aspects in modern Japan are introduced through a series of videos.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Hasegawa, Y. (2006) Elementary Japanese, Vol. 2. Vermont: Tuttle Language Library. ISBN 978-4805313695; Course Packet will be made available in the PDF format through Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested) Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN 978-1568363974; Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) through readings, video viewing, written assignments, and in-class activities. The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to use auxiliary verbs and complex sentences to express subtle differences in meaning and accuracy appropriate to the given contexts. Student will also practice describing their experiences and summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched in an organized manner. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development, and written assignments are given for reading and writing skills development. Useful expressions in daily life and social and cultural aspects in modern Japan are introduced through a series of videos.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Hasegawa, Y. (2006) Elementary Japanese, Vol. 2. Vermont: Tuttle Language Library. ISBN 978-4805313695; Course Packet will be made available in the PDF format through Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested) Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN 978-1568363974; Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese III (JAPANESE 211-1, 2, 3) is a yearlong course, sequel to Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2, 3), that covers college-level intermediate Japanese. In Japanese III, students will continue developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and learning various aspects of Japanese culture and society through class discussions, written assignments, TV drama viewing, and a research-based interview project. The casual speech and formal writing styles are introduced, and students will become familiarized with different language use for different settings. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, the students will also continue learning to identify and self-correct errors in their language use to become independent learners.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, the students will be able to 1) describe and narrate daily events and personal experiences in an organized manner, 2) summarize the main points of what is read, seen, or heard, 3) use approximately 500 basic kanji characters in context, 4) comfortably and appropriately handle daily situations 5) use various speech and written styles, and 6) communicate with native speakers on familiar topics in informal settings. The students are also expected to 7) deepen their understanding of customs, culture, and social phenomena of contemporary Japan, and 8) learn to study independently. The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese III is for the students to reach the Intermediate-High level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.
Teaching Method In-class discussion. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are expected. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, essays, and projects.
Class Materials (Required) Miura, A. & Hanaoka McGloin, N. (2008). An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, Revised Edition. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 9784789013079; Miura, A. & Hanaoka McGloin, N. (2008). An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 9784789013086; Kano, (1989). Basic Kanji Book, Vol.2 (New Edition). Tokyo: Bonjinsha. ISBN: 9784893581198; a Course Packet.
Class Materials (Suggested) Kodansha. (2002). Kodansha Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha International. ISBN: 9781568363974; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1995). A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 9784789007757; Tomomatsu, E. & Wakuri, M (2004). Shokyuu Nihongo Sou-matome. Tokyo: 3A Corporation. ISBN: 9784883193288.
JAPANESE 313-1 Japanese IV: Japanese Newspaper Reading and News Listening
Overview of class JAPANESE 313-1 is a low-advanced fourth-year Japanese language course. All of the fourth-year Japanese courses have the common goal of bringing students’ overall proficiency towards Advanced-Low by the proficiency guidelines of American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). JAPANESE 313-1 centers on the reading and analysis of newspaper and magazine articles curated by the instructor from a variety of sources. The focus will be on enhancing students’ reading-comprehension abilities through systematic vocabulary building that includes collocations, idioms and kanji compounds. Students will have the opportunity to practice their newly acquired vocabulary in conversations that develop ideas from the articles read in class. Students will also hone their listening-comprehension skills by watching and listening to news. This course does NOT provide training for writing skills development (All students taking this course should come with at least the intermediate-level writing skills, equivalent to the end of JAPANESE 211-3, and should be able to write an opinion paper in the plain style). The students who need writing skills development should take JAPANESE 314-1.
Registration Requirements: Students must have completed JAPANESE 211-3 with C- or above, or must be placed into the class by the departmental placement test.
Teaching Method: Classes are conducted only in Japanese. Class time will be used for vocabulary building practices and for discussions or debate.
Evaluation Method: Kanji/vocabulary quizzes, assignments; oral and written examinations; active and productive class participation and class performance.
Class Materials: All materials will be provided by the instructor.
Class Materials (Suggested): - New Intermediate Kanji Book, vol.1, 3rd edition (Bonjinsha) ISBN 978-4-89358-810-4. - Shimbun no Dokkai (3A Corporation, 2008) ISBN 978-4-88319-475-9. -Tanki Shuuchuu Shokyuu Nihongo Bunpoo Soumatome Point 20 (3A Corporation, 2004) ISBN 978-4-88319-328-8. -Chuukyuu Nihongo Bunpoo Yooten Seiri Point 20 (3A Corporation, 2007) ISBN 978-4-88319-457-5. - News no Nihongo Chookai 50 (3A Corporation, 2010) ISBN 978-4-88319-539-8. - Jookyuu kara Chookyuu e Nihongo Chookyuu-Washa e no Kakehashi (3A Corporation, 2007) ISBN 978-488319-449-0.
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with the most emphasis on speaking. The goal of this course is to achieve oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (Third Edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-3515-6
Integrated Korean Workbook (Third Edition): 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-3516-3
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with the most emphasis on speaking. The goal of this course is to achieve oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (Third Edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-3515-6
Integrated Korean Workbook (Third Edition): 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-3516-3
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with the most emphasis on speaking. The goal of this course is to achieve oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (Third Edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-3515-6
Integrated Korean Workbook (Third Edition): 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-3516-3
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing to the Intermediate Mid level by the ACTFL guideline by the end of year and to have students achieve the competency in the skills of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements Completion of 111-3 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 121-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 121-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of socio-cultural and academic themes will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination. Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 9780824886776 Integrated Korean Workbook (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8676-9
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing to the Intermediate Mid level by the ACTFL guideline by the end of year and to have students achieve the competency in the skills of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements Completion of 111-3 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 121-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 121-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of socio-cultural and academic themes will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination. Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 9780824886776 Integrated Korean Workbook (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8676-9
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing to the Intermediate Mid level by the ACTFL guideline by the end of year and to have students achieve the competency in the skills of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements Completion of 111-3 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 121-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 121-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of socio-cultural and academic themes will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination. Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 9780824886776 Integrated Korean Workbook (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8676-9
Overview of class This is a two-quarter-long second-year Accelerated Korean course designed for Korean heritage students with basic oral proficiency and literacy skills. The objectives of this class are to reinforce the aspects that heritage students are usually weak - - vocabulary and spelling - - and to enhance their reading and writing skills so that they can develop a more balanced proficiency in four language areas. It also aims to have students achieve the competency in the skills of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements A departmental placement test for Fall Quarter
Completion of 125-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter
Teaching Method This class is conducted exclusively in Korean with minimal grammar instruction. Students will be doing extensive writing practice, reading authentic materials, class discussion, and learning various cultural aspects of Korea.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and performance, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, written assignments, oral presentations, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean: Accelerated 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 9780824882778 Integrated Korean Workbook: Accelerated 1 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 9780824886295
Overview of class This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic and socio-cultural aspects. By developing the competency in the skills of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards, this course aims to achieve oral proficiency in Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline.
Registration Requirements Completion of 121-3, 125-2 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 211-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 211-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance comparison and intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral presentations, and final project.
Class Materials (Required) Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
KOREAN 311-1 Korean IV: Readings in Korean Literature
Overview of class This advanced Korean language course is designed to challenge students to further develop their language proficiency by engaging with Korean literary sources in the text. Students will work on to improve their literacy skill and to enhance their knowledge in Korean history, culture and society.
Registration Requirements Completion of 211-3 or the departmental placement
Teaching Method Students will read and understand various genres of contemporary Korean literature. Using these authentic sources, students will expand vocabulary and advance reading proficiency. Also, students will work on to express their thoughts and opinions through discussions and writings.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, discussion papers, reflection papers, oral presentation, and final project.