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These are general descriptions for Asian Humanities Culture Courses.  For specific topics click here.

ASIAN_LC 290-0 Introductory Topics in Asian Languages and Cultures (1 Unit)   Content and prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ASIAN_LC 390-0 Advanced Topics in Asian Languages and Cultures (1 Unit)  Content and prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.  Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ASIAN_LC 392-0 Advanced Studies in Asian Film, Media, and Visual Culture (1 Unit)   Advanced topics in Asian film, media, and visual culture. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: ASIAN_LC 202-0 or ASIAN_LC 204-0 or ASIAN_LC 205-0 or ASIAN_LC 224-0 or ASIAN_LC 265-0 (C- or better); or consent of instructor. Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ASIAN_LC 393-0 Asian Environmental Humanities (1 Unit)  Topics in the study of environment and culture in Asian contexts. Content varies; may be repeated for credit with change of topic. One 200-level Asian LC course is recommended.  Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

ASIAN_LC 394-0 Space and Place in Asian Literatures and Cultures (1 Unit)  Advanced undergraduate course examining representations of space and place in Asian cultural contexts, with focus on application of theoretical methods to primary texts. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. One 200-level Asian literary and culture studies course is recommended. No prerequisites.  Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ASIAN_LC 395-0 Genre in Asian Literatures (1 Unit)  Advanced undergraduate course examining the place of genre in Asian literary traditions. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. One 200-level Asian literary and culture studies course is recommended. No prerequisites.  Literature Fine Arts Distro Area