How do video games tell stories, and what kind of stories do they tell? How do the formal elements of the game experience shape the stories that they tell and the meanings that they convey? What historical contexts make those stories meaningful, and what is the significance of historical shifts in game form? In this class, we answer these questions through a study of the Japanese Role-Playing Game—the JRPG. We approach the JRPG as a genre, under the premises that cultural genres represent the formal crystallization of a set of cultural meanings, that individual works express particular meanings through manipulation of the details of form, that the evolution of form reflects historical shifts in cultural meanings, and that interpretation of an individual work thus demands knowledge of genre conventions, careful attention to the nuances of form, and rich historical contextualization. To study this genre, we begin by building skills of formal description and analysis, with attention to how scholars in different disciplines have attempted to theorize various formal elements. We then situate this genre in its historical context—the social and cultural crises facing Japan at the end of the 20th century—and examine the evolution and permutation of the form as it has been adapted to different narrative concerns between the late 90s and the present day. Though our focus is on the JRPG, the skills and modes of thinking that we develop—formal description and analysis, historical contextualization and interpretation, theoretical framing, critical evaluation—form the basis of humanistic study at the college level.
Teaching Method Discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance (10%), participation (10%), game journal (5%), online forum (10%), short essays (20%), group presentations (10%), final project proposal (5%), final project (30%)
Class Materials (required) All reading materials provided in PDF form; games will be made available in the Kresge Media and Design Studio
Overview of Course This course will focus on sexual culture in China, from pre-Qin times to the early modern period. Using sources such as ancient medical texts, Daoist manuals, court poetry and Confucian classics, paintings and illustrated books, as well as legal documents and fiction written in the classic and vernacular languages, we will explore discourses about sex, sexuality, and desire in order to reconstruct their genealogies in the longue durée. The topics covered include sexual yoga, prostitution, sexual violence, human trafficking, and pornography. In addition to the primary sources, representative theoretical work in the fields of Chinese culture, history, gender theory, and sexuality studies, will be incorporated as much as possible. Previous knowledge of these disciplines, though helpful, is not required.
Learning Objectives -Acquisition of knowledge about sexual culture and the history of sex in early and early modern China. This will entail exposure to primary sources (in English, and for those students able to, in Chinese) produced by Chinese authors of the time, as well as to related secondary sources. -Development of methodological skills in studying, reading, and analyzing the primary and secondary sources related to the themes of the course. -Growth as independent researchers in the fields of Asian humanities, Chinese cultural studies, and sexuality studies. -Growth as independent academic thinkers and writers.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method The final grade will be based on the following criteria: -Active class participation (attendance, preparation, and discussion) 30% -Assignments (writing statements, short papers, in class presentations, etc.) 35% -Final Project 35%
Class Materials (required) All class materials will be available on Canvas
Overview of course This course offers an introduction to Japanese literature, film, animation, and manga from the 1960s to the present. We will consider these media in relation to the historical developments that defined this period such as globalization, the “bursting” of the bubble economy, natural and human-made disasters, and the extension of digital technology into daily life. We will pay special attention to the transformations in media culture that shaped the production, distribution, and consumption of these cultural forms. An overview of Japanese culture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this course provides training in the analysis of literary texts and forms of visual narration.
Learning Objectives This course introduces students to humanistic approaches to analyzing the literature and visual culture of contemporary Japan. Students will learn: 1. methods for interpreting the significance of formal techniques used in literature, film, animation, and manga. 2. how to connect these media to their historical contexts 3. how to write clearly and incisively about these media.
Teaching Method Lecture and Discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance and Participation Weekly Discussion Posts Three Short Essays Final Assessment
Class Materials (required) All Materials will be available on Canvas
ASIAN LC 240 Transforming Seoul: From Imperial Periphery to Global Smart City
Overview of Course Metropolitan Seoul, now home to 26 million people from all around the globe, has captivated numerous writers and artists with the dizzying speed of modernization and urbanization in Korea. Seoul has also tantalized many talented urban planners and architects keenly invested in creating a whole new space and modern lifestyle out of the old city’s rich history. This course will trace Seoul’s modern metamorphosis since the early 20th century to examine how the city and its residents transformed themselves and co-evolved throughout the tumult of the 20th and 21st centuries. We will be reading and watching various cultural representations of Seoul in literature, film, and TV shows. Our approach will draw upon critical media studies to question and examine the relationship between humans, environment, and media infrastructure.
Teaching Method Discussion with lectures
Evaluation Method Grades will largely be determined by student comprehension of lectures and readings, discussion, group presentation, and a combination of smaller and in-depth writing assignments.
Class materials (required) All assigned readings are accessible through Canvas.
Overview of Course The aim of this course is to introduce the histories of feminism and feminist consciousness in modern and contemporary mainland China, and to thus provide students with exposure to non-Western-centered cases of feminist struggles for human rights and social justice from the late nineteenth century to the present. To achieve this goal, we will analyze a variety of sources, including literature, films, and other media by authors and activists concerned with the lives and realities of Chinese women. We will be joined in this enterprise by guest speakers based in the USA, mainland China, and Taiwan who, in their roles as scholars and activists, will help us navigate questions like: What do Chinese women wish to liberate themselves from, how do they enact this and to what end? In what ways does the problem of gender complicate the ideological advent of modernity in China? How do different technologies of communication and exchange, from the literary journal to cinematic narratives to cyberspace, help and/or hinder activism aimed at fostering gender equality and diversity in China? What connections exist between feminists and gender, sexuality, the body, media, nationhood, and politics? What changes and breakages do we see in the paradigms of traditional Chinese culture and the evolving expectations of women under Confucianism, communism and capitalism in the late nineteenth, twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, especially in the contemporary situation of globalization?
Learning Objectives • Learn about feminisms and their histories in mainland China, and, where possible and relevant, in other Sinophone areas, including the ways feminist projects across time intersect with debates on colonialism, postcolonialism, and globalization. • Become familiar with theoretical discussions of power and agency in recent feminist discourses as well as specific information on the situation of women in China in various historical settings. • Become familiar with the terms of feminism, activism, media and technology, gender, and sexuality that are crucial to understand the past and current cultural, political, social, and economic trends occurring within mainland China, and, where possible, in the Sinophone. • Apply key theoretical concepts from the course to understand and analyze social issues related to gender, sexuality, new media, social equity and justice from a feminist perspective. • Critically investigate, explain and analyze the readings and topics of the course in class discussion and writing assignments, and improve analytical skills in these two connected spheres. •Reflect on questions of location and privilege especially in relation to scholarship and activism. • Integrate course insights into one’s daily lives and cultivate activism about gender equality and diversity that takes into consideration global, regional, political, historical, and cultural contexts. • Understand the cultural logic of a time and place not our own
Teaching Method Lecture, discussion, films, group work, guest speakers, presentations, readings, research and creative projects
Evaluation Method The final grade will be based on the following criteria: -Active class participation (attendance, preparation, and discussion) 30% -Assignments (writing statements, short papers, in class presentations, etc.) 35% -Final Project 35%
Class Materials Required All course materials will be provided on Canvas.
Overview of Course What kind of stories do video games tell, and what do these stories tell us about the cultures that produced them? How does the uniquely interactive nature of games give shape to the stories that they tell and the meanings that they convey? Where does the experience of play fit into the stories through which a culture produces meaning? This course explores these questions in the context of Japanese cultural history from the 1990s to the present. Our aim is simple: to learn to interpret games. Our approach is to furnish the historical and conceptual contexts necessary to make interpretation possible. We focus on a series of dominant narrative paradigms and subcultural tropes—apocalyptic fantasy, world-type, survival, etc.—and ask how these are rendered in game form. While our focus is ultimately on games as a form of narrative, we aim also to understand how the active and interactive nature of the game medium shapes the meanings that these texts convey. In particular, we ask how video games think about history: what they say about the historical situation faced by Japan between the close of the 20th century and the dawn of the 21st, where they reflect traces of deeper history that persist in that moment or where they efface those traces to present an eternal present of play, whether they contain the possibility of imagining a future.
Teaching Method Lecture and Discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance (10%), participation (10%), discussion forum (10%), extension essay (10%), weekly group presentations (10%), final group project (20%), final project proposal (5%), final project (25%)
Course Materials Required All reading materials will be distributed in PDF form; assigned games will be made available in the Kresge Media and Design Lab.
Overview of Course This course explores the interaction between cybernetic technologies and cultural production in modern Japan. We focus on how visual and literary media have been used to represent such technologies (robotics, cybernetics, and the Internet) as well as how these technologies have shaped Japanese culture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The notion of the “cyber” – its origins in cybernetics and ensuing proliferation of meanings – forms the conceptual core of the course. After considering early definitions of this term, we turn to how Japanese manga, animation, film, and cultural theory explore the ways in which cybernetic technologies, like cyborgs and cyberspace, have expanded our understanding of human subjectivity and agency, transformed social relations, and blurred boundaries between the human and the animal, the biological and the artificial, and the physical and non-physical.
Teaching Method Lecture and Discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance and Participation Short Writing Assignments Midterm Assessment Final Assessment
Class Materials (Required) All materials will be available through Canvas
ASIAN LC 373* Fanā: Sufism and Islamic Mysticism in South Asian Art and Literature
Overview of Course
How do you convey an experience of the ineffable? How do you guide others along the path toward the divine presence? For many practitioners of Sufism in South Asia, the answer was and is art: literature, music, and the visual arts. These artistic and literary forms were, and remain, one of the primary means through which people in South Asia encountered and understood Islamic thought. Simultaneously artistic and spiritual, entertaining and didactic, these forms of artistic expression appeal to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Today, Sufi literature and arts continue to occupy a central place in the artistic universe of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Thirteenth-century devotional appear in synthesized Bollywood love songs meant for popular audiences, pop-anthems quote 16th century savants, while listeners around the world enjoy remixes of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s devotional qawwalis. In short, Sufism and the arts are tightly intertwined in South Asia.
This course will offer an introduction to this expansive theological and artistic history, exploring Islamic mysticism as it found expression in the arts and literatures of South Asia, as well as an examination of Sufism’s contribution to the development of South Asian art and popular culture. Our study will range from narrative poems in Braj Bhasha to pop songs in Persian, from erotic couplets in Urdu to esoteric quatrains in Sindhi. We will engage with scholarly approaches to Sufism, but primary sources will be the feature of this course. We will encounter at least one work in each session, analyzing it both as a work of artistic expression in its social and historical setting, and as a vehicle to convey the indescribable experience of divine love. We will also necessarily read Islamic mystical literatures produce outside of South Asia (Rumi, Attar, etc.), for the exchange of religious ideas and spiritual influence have always moved freely across the Islamic world. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the relationships between Islam, Sufism, literature and popular culture in South Asia.
ASIAN LC 390* Martial Arts, Religion, and Philosophy in East Asia
Overview of Course This course offers the opportunity to investigate martial art culture in Japanese society in the centuries between the Tokugawa shogunate takeover in the sixteenth century until the aftermath of WWII. Students will learn how samurai military culture and the Japanese art of sword fighting (kenjutsu) evolved conceptually from a system of fighting to cut down an adversary to one aimed at personal spiritual growth and cultivation of the mind. Course readings include treatises, essays, and poetry (waka, haiku) by several expert Japanese swordsmen including feudal lords, samurai, Buddhist monks, and philosophers who highlight not just actual combat techniques, but also the inward aspects that can lead to psycho-spiritual realization.
Grounded in Confucian virtues, Buddhist doctrine, and the Shinto worldview, these figures discuss martial arts not only as mere external techniques of death, but also as inner techniques of life. In this course students will read works in English translation by and about several authors including Yagyu Munenori (1571-1646), Soho Takuan (1573-1645), Miyamoto Musashi (1582-1645), Kaibara Ekiken (1630-1714), Yamamoto Tsenetomo (1659-1719), Daidoji Yuzan (1639-1730), Yamaoka Tesshu (1836-1888), Takahashi Deishu (1835-1903), Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966), Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982), and Omori Sogen Roshi (1904-1994).
Some of the probing questions we will address are: what instigated the separation between traditional martial systems (bujustu) and modern martial arts (budo)? Where do the spiritual and the physical intersect in martial arts? What is the relationship between Buddhist doctrine and violence in the art of the sword? What does it mean for Aikido to be promoted as an “art of peace”? What kind of values can modern martial arts instill in their practitioners?
Learning Objectives Understand the difference tradition and modernity in East Asian martial arts. Understand where spirituality and violence intersect in the practice of martial arts in Japan. Grasp Buddhist, Confucian and Shinto values that martial culture instill(ed) in practitioners. Understand the role of Buddhist philosophy in the elaboration of modern Japanese swordsmanship. Discuss the content of some of the most famous treatises of Japanese martial art.
Class Materials (required) Takuan Soho. The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman. 2012 - ISBN 978-1590309865
Musashi, Miyamoto and Thomas Cleary - The Book of Five Rings: A Classic Text on the Japanese Way of the Sword (Shambhala Library) Mass Market Paperback - ISBN 978-1590302484
Yagyu Munenori and Hiroaki Sato - The Sword and the Mind - Overlook Press 1986 - ISBN 978-0879512569
William S. Wilson - Budoshoshinshu (Paperback) - Shambala ISBN 978-1569571897
Taisen Deshimaru - The Zen Way to the Martial Arts - ISBN 978-0140193442
Morihei Ueshiba - The Art of Peace: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido (Paperback) - Shambala ISBN 978-0877738510
Class Materials (suggested) PDFs and additional material will be provided in class.
Overview of class In this course, students will read writings from Buddhist canonical and non-canonical literature on a variety of subjects to gain an introduction to the variety of literary genres used in Buddhist works, as well as to consider the central tenets of the Buddhist literary tradition these works convey. Who was the Buddha? What did he preach? Why do we suffer and how do we realize enlightenment? How should one follow the Buddhist path? What metaphors and parables have Buddhists used to convey these insights over the centuries? Students will be able to explore these and other questions through a selection of English translations of original texts in Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, and Tibetan including the life of the Buddha, his sayings, Buddhist sutras, and Buddhist autobiographies. As this course is an introduction to Buddhist literature, there are no prerequisites, and students will gain familiarity with Buddhist teachings through engaging directly with primary sources in translation.
Teaching Method Lecture Discussion
Evaluation Method Paper, final Presentations Class participation Paper, mid-term
Class Materials (Required) - The Life of the Buddha (Penguin Classics 2015 - by Tenzin Chogyel and Kurtis R. Schaeffer. 978-0143107200 - The Dhammapada (Penguin Classics) Paperback - 2010 by Valerie Roebuck (Editor, Translator, Introduction) ISBN 978-0140449419 - The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng, by Red Pine, Counterpoint 2008, ISBN 978-1593761776 - Himalayan Hermitess: The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun 1st Edition, by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Oxford University Press, 2004 - ISBN 978-0195152999
ASIAN LC 492* Readings in Tibetan Texts: Manuscripts and Research-Focused Readings
1) Overview of Course
This class over three quarters is designed to assist students who already have the equivalent of at least two-years of Tibetan language study. The course is intended to build on this foundation so that students gain greater proficiency in reading a variety of classical Tibetan writing styles and genres, including (especially in the third quarter) texts relevant to their research.
We will explore various genres: canonical and other religious texts, religious songs (mgur), poetry (snyan ngag), biographies (rnam thar), avadanas (rtogs brjod), and histories. We will also look at administrative documents (gzhung yig), other manuscripts and scrolls to become familiar with the most common forms of Tibetan calligraphy. Students will gain facility in the use of Tibetan dictionaries essential for reading classical texts, in particular for understanding kāvya-derived ornamental vocabulary and rhetorical devices.
2) Learning Objectives
Students will learn to identify commonly found vocabulary, grammatical constructions and other conventions appearing in Classical Tibetan texts, including religious, literary, and historical genres. In the third quarter, students will be introduced to texts in dbu-med scripts and the abbreviated words (skung yig) often employed in these. They will learn how to identify texts helpful for their research and begin reading those texts.
3) Teaching Method:
Online only
Class participation & Homework
Percentage of Final Grade
3 Short quizzes
Final Examination
མར་པ་ལོ་ཙཱ་བའི་རང་རྣམ་མགུར། Autobiographical Song of Marpa the Translator
ASIAN LC 492* Fanon Now: Race, Gender, Coloniality
Overview of Course A revolutionary, thinker, psychiatrist, and physician, Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) has produced a diverse and groundbreaking life work from Martinique to Algeria that has shaped and continues to shape generations of activists and scholars today.
This graduate seminar will examine major writings of Fanon, from his early to late life, and a selection of scholarship on and influenced by Fanon in the fields of critical race theory, feminist theory, and decolonial thought, such as Gordon, Karera, Maldonado-Torres, Zambrana, Mbembe, Al-Saji, Snorton, and Wynter, among others. The range and nature of responses to Fanon’s work since his time speaks to the continued problem of colonialism, anti-Blackness, and the racialized gender system, as well as the changes in paradigms and discourse surrounding these issues. The course encourages seminar participants to think critically with and about Fanon’s work, to find ways to incorporate Fanon into their respective research agendas and explore the renewed significance of Fanon’s work today.
Teaching Method Seminar
Evaluation Method Long Paper
Class Materials (required)
Black Skin, White Masks. Frantz Fanon. Trans. By Richard Philcox. ISBN: 978-0802143006
Toward the African Revolution. Frantz Fanon. Trans. By Haakon Chevalier. ISBN: 978-0802130907
The Wretched of the Earth. Frantz Fanon. Trans. By Richard Philcox. ISBN: 978-0802158635
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements
Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese. Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements
Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese. Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (
Registration Requirements
Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese. Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price:$59.95(textbook) $ 29.95(workbook)
Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements
Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method
This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method
Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter:
Textbook Integrated Chinese (Volume I, 4thedition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911356 Price: $59.99
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: Textbook Integrated Chinese (Volume II, 4th edition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911417 Price: $63.99
Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements
Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method
This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method
Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter:
Textbook Integrated Chinese (Volume I, 4thedition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911356 Price: $59.99
Winter quarter & Spring quarter: Textbook Integrated Chinese (Volume II, 4th edition), Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 978-1622911417 Price: $63.99
This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics.Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components
Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Winter quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Note to students who join Chinese 121-2 in fall through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's website:
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35 3. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Spring quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics.Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components
Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Winter quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Note to students who join Chinese 121-2 in fall through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's website:
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35 3. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Spring quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics.Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Components
Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter 1. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35
Winter quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $59.95 (textbook); $29.95(workbook)
Note to students who join Chinese 121-2 in fall through the placement test: You may purchase the textbook and workbook ebooks instead of the physical ones on the publisher's website:
Modern Reader vol.1 (ebook): $35 3. Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Spring quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements:
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method:
Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method:
Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements:
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method:
Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method:
Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements:
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method:
Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method:
Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe exterior features of objects, and discuss spatial layouts in a clear and structured manner.
Use specific and vivid expressions to describe impressions pertaining to a person’s appearance, manner and style.
Describe in detail weather conditions and natural disasters, personal feelings specifically and vividly.
Introduce and compare climate features and prepare reports of weather in paragraph(s).
Discuss some social and cultural topics in the given contexts.
Teaching Method
Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method
Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required)
Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
This is a year-long three-quarter course in advanced modern Chinese (Mandarin). Students will transition from basic, functional communicative skills to more in-depth academic exchanges with themes about the real Chinese world. Besides rigoroustraining in oral proficiency, it focuses on upgrading reading and writing skills. Topics include Chinese cultural concepts, social change, economic development, and human relationships. Students will discuss the above-mentioned topics from a cross-cultural perspective. Proficiency goals (per ACTFL guidelines): Advanced-Low in oral skills and Intermediate-High to Advanced-Low in literacy skills
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
(1) Increase students’ awareness and knowledge of social issues in Modern China.
(2) Expand vocabulary, improve fluency, and enhance the accuracy in output.
(3) Students will learn to, in written and spoken Chinese, organize ideas better, produce coherent paragraph-level outputs, make solid arguments, and express themselves formally.
Teaching Method
We use Chinese to discuss our readings. Students are also expected to write short essays based on the topics discussed in class.
Evaluation Method
Attendance and Participation, essays, oral presentations, quizzes or exams
Class Materials (Required)
Textbook “ Reading Into a New China” by Duanduan Li & Irene Liu, Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-88727-627-9 Price: $49.99
Chinese 311 is a quarter-long series of Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 311-1: Formal Speaking, Chinese 311-2: Formal Writing, and Chinese 311-3: Formal Reading. The courses are designed to develop students’ abilities to speak and write formal Chinese respectively, as well as to read short literary works in Chinese. The content of the courses cover argumentations and articles on various topics, including Chinese culture, society and contemporary history. Student will also read authentic Chinese literary works in different written forms and language styles by various authors, with a focus on their cultural and social background. The goal of the courses is to train students to use written vocabulary and formal expressions as well as know how to arrange a structured speaking/writing with complete format and logical connections. Students will reach advanced low in reading, writing, listening and speaking based on ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements
CHINESE 211-3 with grade C- or above.
Students may be placed into this course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives:
Upon satisfactory completion of 311-1, students will be able to use formal expressions to deliver a structured speech with logical arguments. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-2, students will be able to write essays in a formal style in depth about complex topics. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-3, students will be able to comprehend in depth authentic literary works in Chinese language and communicate efficiently their understanding in speaking and written forms.
Teaching Method
Class meets twice per week, 80 minutes per class. The course is designed with intensive student-oriented activities through reading various class materials, including essays, media reports and authentic Chinese literature works. Students are expected to read materials ahead of class, participate in in-class discussions led by the instructor, and make formal statements, arguments, speeches and debates about social and cultural phenomena in paragraphs. With instructor’s necessary corrections and suggestions on students’ papers, they are expected to present their works as formal oral presentations. Chinese is used for instruction.
Overview of the class This course is a year long, three quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no Hindi-Urdu background. At the beginning of the three quarter sequence, the students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students are be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), the students continue to learn new grammatical constructions. By the end of the second quarter the students are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3) students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. The third quarter culminates in a cooking project, which requires the students to use the cumulative language skills that they would have honed over the period of the academic year. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-terms and an oral interviews. No final exam.
Class Materials (Required)
Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary HindiISBN-13: 978-0804845038
Overview of class This is a year long, three quarter language sequence. Students start the year by working on reinforcing all the language skills attained the year before, and adding the Nastaliq (Urdu) script to their skill set. They continue developing speaking skills and listening comprehension, as well as expanding the Hindi-Urdu grammar and vocabulary. We do so by reading poems, short stories, blogs, watching and discussing movie clips, short films and videos, and making in-class presentations. Some of the topics that we touch upon during the year are short Hindi-Urdu stories, stories from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the tales of Akbar and Birbal, etc. By the end of the three quarter sequence students attain intermediate-mid or higher language proficiency in Hindi-Urdu.
Note: Please purchase all the required textbooks in the fall quarter, as this is the only quarter that they are ordered during the year.
Registration Requirements C- or better in Hindi-Urdu 111-3 for Hindi-Urdu 121-1, Hindi-Urdu 121-1 for Hindi-Urdu 121-2, Hindi-Urdu 121-2 for Hindi-Urdu 121-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, extra materials, movies.
Evaluation Method The students are graded on the basis of home assignments, weekly quizzes, midterm, attendance, oral interviews and class participation. No final.
Class Materials (Required) Advanced Hindi Grammar (2007) by U. Jain. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 094461342X ISBN-13: 978-0944613429
Overview of class The accelerated Hind_Urd 125-2 course has been designed for students with existing proficiencies in speaking and listening skills in Hindi-Urdu (intermediate-low/mid), and more limited reading and writing abilities in the Devanagari/Hindi script (novice-high/intermediate-low). This course condenses the 3 quarter intermediate Hind_Urd 121 course into a single quarter, and focuses on the further development of students’ reading and writing skills in Hindi-Urdu, while enhancing their range of vocabulary from intermediate-low to intermediate-mid. We do so by exploring the South Asian culture and doing task-based projects.
Registration Requirements Prerequisite: Hind_Urd 125-1 OR determined by proficiency test/permission of the instructor
Teaching Method Texts, movie clips, blogs, songs, stories, etc. Evaluation Method Students will be given weekly vocabulary quizzes (to be completed via Quizlet), biweekly grammar quizzes, weekly Padlet writing assignments, daily home assignments, in-class presentations as well as a Final at the end of the quarter. They will also be assessed for attendance and class participation.
Class Materials (Required) Advanced Hindi Grammar (2007) by U. Jain. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 094461342X ISBN-13: 978-0944613429
HINDI URDU 320* Inqilab Zindabad: Progressive and Anticolonial Literature
Overview of Course Many of the greatest and most beloved writers in twentieth century South Asian literature sought, through their art, to critique colonialism and its allied forms of oppression, and to articulate a progressive vision of society. The literature – and drama, film and visual art – that they created is still read and recited, as much for its beauty as for its power to inspire thought and action. At the same time, the prgressives fought constantly, not only against others but among themselves. They disagreed on aesthetics, on language, on politics, and fundamentally on what literature was and should be. In this course we will read a range of these authors and theor contemporaries, in order to understand their art, on its own terms and in historical context. All reading will made available in Hindi (Devanagari) and Urdu (Nasta’liq) scripts.
Registration Requirements Two 300-level courses in Hindi-Urdu or instructor permission. In addition to advanced Hindi-Urdu speaking proficiency, proficiency in reading either Hindi or Urdu script is required.
Teaching Method Seminar Evaluation Method Participation, short assignments, student led discussions, final project
Class Materials (Required) All materials available online; handouts
Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and projects. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session is required.
Registration Requirements
Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines and experiences.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method
Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required)
Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and projects. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session is required.
Registration Requirements
Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines and experiences.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method
Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required)
Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2 and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities, written assignments, and projects. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session is required.
Registration Requirements
Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
The goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines and experiences.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method
Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required)
Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Endo-Hudson, M (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, video viewing, written assignments, and in-class activities. The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to use auxiliary verbs and complex sentences to express subtle differences in meaning and accuracy appropriate to the given contexts. Students will also practice cohesively describing their experiences and summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines and A2 - B1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR). Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development, and written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method
Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required)
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN 978-1568363974; Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, video viewing, written assignments, and in-class activities. The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to use auxiliary verbs and complex sentences to express subtle differences in meaning and accuracy appropriate to the given contexts. Students will also practice cohesively describing their experiences and summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements
Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines and A2 - B1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR). Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages.
Teaching Method
This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development, and written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method
Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required)
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN 978-1568363974; Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese III (JAPANESE 211-1, 2, 3) is a yearlong course, sequel to Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2, 3), that covers college-level intermediate Japanese. In Japanese III, students will continue developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and learning various aspects of Japanese culture and society through reading materials, TV dramas, class discussions and an interview project (211-2, 3). A large number of intermediate to advanced-level expressions and Kanji is introduced to prepare students to the advanced-level Japanese. The casual speech and formal writing styles are also introduced, and students will become familiarized with different language styles for different settings. Students are expected to prepare for each class session through assignments and quizzes. JAPANESE 211-1 aims to finetune grammatical roughness and bring overall proficiency to the Intermediate-Mid level proficiency defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. JAPANESE 211-2 and -3 aim to bring students’ proficiency to ACTFL’s Intermediate-High level as close as possible.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon the successful completion of the year-long course, the students will be able to 1) comfortably and appropriately handle daily situations, 2) describe and narrate daily events and personal experiences in an organized manner, 3) summarize the main points of what is read, seen, or heard, 4) use casual/formal speech and written styles, 5) use approximately 500 basic kanji characters in context and attain working knowledge of additional kanji that are frequently used in media, and 6) communicate with native speakers on familiar topics in informal settings. The students are also expected to 7) deepen their understanding of customs, culture, and social phenomena of contemporary Japan, and 8) learn to study independently.
Teaching Method In-class discussion. Review and preparation for each class session are expected. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations and projects.
Class Materials (Required)
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016957
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016964
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016957
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN:978-4789017459
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016964
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789017466
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN:978-4789017459
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789017466
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture and society throughout the course.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter
Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture and society throughout the course.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter
Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture and society throughout the course.
Registration Requirements None for Fall Quarter
Completion of 111-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 111-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing to the intermediate level and also to bring up the competency of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements Completion of 111-3 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 121-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 121-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of socio-cultural and academic themes will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing to the intermediate level and also to bring up the competency of Communication, Comparisons and Cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Registration Requirements Completion of 111-3 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 121-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 121-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of socio-cultural and academic themes will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
Overview of class This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability, particularly to enhance the overall communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing to the Intermediate-Advanced level. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic and socio-cultural aspects and students will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of Korean culture and society.
Registration Requirements Completion of 121-3, 125-2 or the departmental placement test for Fall Quarter; Completion of 211-1 or a departmental placement test for Winter Quarter; Completion of 211-2 or a departmental placement test for Spring Quarter
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Advanced Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to develop the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance comparison and intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral presentations, and final project.
Class Materials (Required) Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
Overview of class In this advanced Korean language course, students will further develop their language proficiency through studying news articles. The goals of this course include improving students’ comprehension skill for authentic news articles and building discourse skill to deliver an opinion and to engage in a discussion on current social issues.
Registration Requirements Completion of 211-3 or departmental placement
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year as well as to develop the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will read news articles from major Korean online newspapers prior to class. After individual report, a group discussion will follow.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quiz, news report, opinion essay, and final presentation and report.