This course is an introduction to academic writing in the humanities. More than technical skills and stylistic norms, we will focus on understanding how academic writing at the university level differs from that taught in high school. Students will be taught to approach academic writing as a practice of knowledge production aimed at communicating original ideas to an informed audience. We will develop these skills through an introduction to game studies--the academic study of video games--and the genre of the Japanese role-playing game (JRPG).
Learning Objectives As a First Year Writing Seminar, this course focuses on developing skills of academic writing. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following: • Effectively summarize and explain scholarly debates in a given discipline (game studies) • Describe cultural texts (games) from given disciplinary perspectives • Analyze cultural texts (games) in terms of given disciplinary concepts • Form original arguments in the context of disciplinary debates and support them through the analysis of specific materials. • Correctly identify different types of secondary sources, effectively deploy them in service of an original argument, and properly cite them to indicate their role in the argument.
In addition to writing skills, this course also offers an introduction to game studies and to the genre of the JRPG. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following: • Summarize and discuss major theoretical questions and scholarly debates surrounding video games and the methods for studying them • Describe formal qualities of interactive narrative as manifest in the JRPG and in individual games • Situate digital games (or tropes, techniques, genres, and styles of the same) in relation to relevant social, cultural, and historical contexts • Understand scholarly writing on relevant topics and apply it to deepen understanding of games
Teaching Method Lecture, Discussion, Workshop
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation, informal weekly journal, formal writing assignments, final paper
Class Materials (required) All class materials will be provided digitally in PDF format.
ASIAN LC 290 Buddhist Cultures and Rhetoric of Violence
Overview of Course Although episodes of religious violence are still met with incomprehension and bafflement, even a cursory reading of world history would remind us that religion’s power to inspire violence is not only not new, but it is pervasive. This course investigates the intersections between religion and violence in the context of Buddhist Asia while also considering why in many religious traditions there seem to be a link between the two. The course will be structured in two parts: in the first part students will be encouraged to build expertise in the basic concepts, definitions, and general academic consensus (as well as debates) about categories including “religion,” “violence,” “sacrifice,” “ritual,” “martyrdom,” and also “nationalism,” “politics,” and “terrorism” through reading both primary sources (in English translation) and secondary sources (scholarly writings). We will then move into an analysis of case studies that focus on specific circumstances where Buddhist rhetoric, scriptural authority, and religious practices have played a role in violence including suicide, terrorist-related actions, and self-immolation predominantly in pre- and modern Asia. Some of the provocative questions that this course asks include: Why and how is religion involved in politics? Is Buddhism a pacifist religion? How does religion rationalize violence? How can some Buddhist leaders embrace terror as a political tool? Are the recent practices of self-immolation in Tibet acts of violence? Can non-violence be violent?
Learning Objectives By engaging primary sources and recent academic literature in the field, students will be encouraged to enrich their knowledge of these problematic categories and phenomena through critical and objective analysis.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Class Materials (required) • Mark Juergensmeyer and Margo Kitts, Princeton Readings in Religion and Violence, Princeton University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0691129143 • Michael Jerryson & Mark Juergensmeyer (eds), Buddhist Warfare. Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0195394849
Overview of Course What are Tibetan literature’s distinctive features? In what ways has Buddhism determined Tibetan literary genres? How have modern forms of Tibetan literature developed? Students in this course will read Tibetan literature in English translation along with secondary sources to learn and reflect upon the long history of Tibetan literature up to the present. Given the impact that religious concerns have had among Tibetans for centuries, in the first part of the course students will analyze the ways in which Buddhism and Tibetan literary forms are intertwined from the Tibetan imperial period forward. The second part of the course will survey modern and contemporary Tibetan literature and its myriad influences, such as Chinese literary and political theory. Students will gain familiarity with diverse genres of Tibetan literature in translation including fiction, poetry, biographies, and historical treatises.
Learning Objectives • Develop an undergraduate-level understanding of the variety and genres of Tibetan literature • Reflect upon the role of Buddhism in Tibetan literature • Understand the Chinese influence on modern Tibetan literature • Consider the continuities and innovations that separate traditional genres of Tibetan literature from its modern developments.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Participation, in-class presentation, term paper
Class Materials (required) - Heruka, Tsangnyon, Life of Milarepa. PENGUIN. ISBN 13: 9780143106227
- Chogyel, Tenzin. Life of the Buddha. PENGUIN. ISBN 13: 9780143107200
- Schaeffer, Kurtis R. Himalayan Hermitess: Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun. OXFORD UNI PRESS. ISBN 13: 9780195152999
ASIAN LC 290 Intro to Contemporary Tibetan Literature
Overview of Course This course explores contemporary Tibetan literature with a focus on works produced in and after the 1980s, when Tibet was exposed to the liberal policies of the People’s Republic of China. Although Tibet was a civilization characterized by a unique prominence of religious literature produced and consumed in monastic institutions, the nature of literature and literacy has changed in Tibet in the past seventy years, becoming more accessible to the wider public. Tibetan writers have used fiction and poetry in new ways to reflect on life, rapidly changing worldviews, and the significance of the past as well as the present.
This course will introduce students to a number of contemporary Tibetan literary works, mostly secular in nature, including short novels, fiction, nonfiction essays, and poetry in English translation, as well as academic studies and scholarly analysis of relevant subjects.
Learning Objectives Students will enrich their understanding of a number of issues and themes, including: - The role of language in defining "Tibetan Literature" - Tibetan authors' critiques and appreciation of their past - National Identity in the Diaspora - Buddhist legacy and its values in present writings - Social change and literature change
Teaching Method Lectures and Discussions
Evaluation Method This course is primarily a reading seminar, hence class attendance and participation are crucial. All students are expected to come to class with completed reading assignments and to contribute actively to class discussions.
Students will submit weekly short response papers that critically discuss the week's readings. Each student will be also required to present once in class and submit a term paper at the end of the course.
Class Materials (required) Tsering Döndrup, The Handsome Monk and Other Stories. Columbia University Press, 2019 ISBN 978-0231190237
Tenzin Deckie. Old Demons, New Deities. 21 Short Stories from Tibet. OR Books, 2017 ISBN 978-1944869519
Pema Tseden. Enticement: Stories of Tibet. State University of New York Press, 2018 ISBN 978-1438474267
Class Materials (suggested) Tenzin Dickie (ed.) The Penguin Book of Modern Tibetan Essays. Vintage, 2023. ISBN 9780143462323
ASIAN LC 397 Decolonizing Knowledge Production While Writing Your Own Research
Overview of Course Many students find writing their own research project to be one of the big milestones of their college experience (aside from Dance Marathon and Dillo Day). This seminar aims to help you meet this milestone by completing a research paper of your own design on Asia, a paper of 12-15 double spaced pages in length. Taking your strongest seminar paper from your undergraduate career to date as a jumping off point, you will expand and develop an original argument with further research and writing – an important and necessary part of research writing that students often do not have a chance to explore in topical seminars. This class provides the space for students to read, think, and talk about their respective research methods and questions, finding references, writing and developing arguments in stages, and working through multiple drafts of writing to produce a polished research paper. Students will also have a chance to practice sharing their research findings with peers, advisors, and the university community.
While mainly a writing-focused seminar driven by individual student projects, the course will also engage questions of how researchers from different communities and fields have sought to decolonize the kinds of knowledge they glean and produce. How might you, with your respective life experiences, positions, and interests, produce knowledge that is meaningful to you, the communities and histories at stake, and the general public?
Enrollment in this course requires instructor approval (direct your inquiry to jwe[at]northwestern[dot]edu, with your reasons for wanting to take this class). While generally intended for juniors and seniors in ALC, this course is open to students of all years and majors, space allowing. Please secure a primary advisor on the field of your research prior to enrolling in this course, as you will need to consult your primary advisor on key aspects of your research project. If you intend to pursue an honors thesis project, you are encouraged to consult your primary advisor about this as early as possible. The course convenes once a week, which means that for six days of the week, your work will be largely self-guided. Your commitment to bringing materials to share and workshop each week with your peers is important to making the most out of this seminar.
Registration Requirements Instructor Approval by email
Learning Objectives Develop research questions on chosen topic and explain their importance as academic arguments. Cultivate a research methodology in conversation with well-chosen references. Hone the skills to communicate your research topic to peers and non-specialists. Polish research writing and learn to revise drafts.
Teaching Method Seminar Discussion; Workshopping.
Evaluation Method Essays Participation
Class Materials (required) Novelist as a Vocation - Murakami Haruki (Knopf). ISBN: 0451494644. Craft of Research, 5th Ed. - Wayne Booth et al (U Chicago Press). ISBN: 0226826678 * earlier editions are okay. Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks, 2nd Ed. - Wendy Laura Belcher. ISBN: 022649991X
Overview of Course This seminar considers the legacy of the idea of “the human” and the ideology of humanism as it originates in early modern European thought and through its encounter with other places, other people, and other forms of matter. It offers students a concentrated introduction to key texts and trends in humanist thought, animal studies, posthumanism, new materialism, and other fields. It also considers these theoretical texts in light of “non-European” literary and cultural sources, particularly from Sinophone contexts.
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This three-quarter sequence of beginning college level Chinese is designed for true beginners with no previous background in the language. This course is an introduction to Chinese, its basic grammar, pinyin system, vocabulary, usage, and the Chinese writing system. It also focuses on developing basic communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese culture. There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. Our goal is to lay the solid ground work for your study of Chinese whether you plan to have a concentration in Chinese or to satisfy a language requirement. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to reach Novice-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Have a good command of the pronunciation system of Mandarin Chinese.
Have a good command of Chinese characters in both handwriting and typing.
Use Mandarin Chinese to carry out conversations on daily-life topics (e.g., food preference, hobbies and activities, shopping, visiting a doctor, Chinese culture and relationships.
Write short passages on the topics above.
Gain and demonstrate cultural knowledge discussed in the units.
Teaching Method There will be extensive student-oriented practice in pronunciation, conversations, listening comprehension, and sentence structures in class. English will be used mainly for instruction on sentence structures and patterns. Interaction between instructor and among students will be in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation Written assignments Dictations Oral quizzes Written quizzes Final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter and Winter quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1A Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-573-3 (textbook); 978-1-60603-572-6 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Spring quarter Textbook and Workbook: Modern Chinese 1B Simplified Characters (second edition) Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook) 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students’ Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students’ beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook) Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)
Winter and Spring quarters Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters Publisher: Better Chinese ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook) Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe exterior features of objects, and discuss spatial layouts in a clear and structured manner.
Use specific and vivid expressions to describe impressions pertaining to a person’s appearance, manner and style.
Describe in detail weather conditions and natural disasters, personal feelings specifically and vividly.
Introduce and compare climate features and prepare reports of weather in paragraph(s).
Discuss some social and cultural topics in the given contexts.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe exterior features of objects, and discuss spatial layouts in a clear and structured manner.
Use specific and vivid expressions to describe impressions pertaining to a person’s appearance, manner and style.
Describe in detail weather conditions and natural disasters, personal feelings specifically and vividly.
Introduce and compare climate features and prepare reports of weather in paragraph(s).
Discuss some social and cultural topics in the given contexts.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe exterior features of objects, and discuss spatial layouts in a clear and structured manner.
Use specific and vivid expressions to describe impressions pertaining to a person’s appearance, manner and style.
Describe in detail weather conditions and natural disasters, personal feelings specifically and vividly.
Introduce and compare climate features and prepare reports of weather in paragraph(s).
Discuss some social and cultural topics in the given contexts.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class CHINESE 211 is a year-long intermediate-level course, designed to further develop students' communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese as well as to deepen understanding of Chinese culture and social issues. The course systematically expands students' vocabulary and help them produce paragraphs, particularly in the area of description, comparison and introduction. The goal of the course is to effectively build descriptive and comparative skills through rigorous activities and discussion on various topics. Chinese is the language used in this course. Upon satisfactory completion of the whole sequence course, students are expected to reach Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe exterior features of objects, and discuss spatial layouts in a clear and structured manner.
Use specific and vivid expressions to describe impressions pertaining to a person’s appearance, manner and style.
Describe in detail weather conditions and natural disasters, personal feelings specifically and vividly.
Introduce and compare climate features and prepare reports of weather in paragraph(s).
Discuss some social and cultural topics in the given contexts.
Teaching Method Bottom-up approach to expand progressively from words to sentences, and sentences to paragraphs with student-centered communicative and task-based activities. Class conducted in Chinese.
Evaluation Method Class attendance and participation, homework/projects, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams.
Class Materials (Required) Developing Chinese Fluency Textbook ($64) and Workbook ($43); Author: Phyllis Zhang; Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-111-34223-4
Overview of class Chinese 311 is a quarter-long series of Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 311-1: Formal Speaking, Chinese 311-2: Formal Writing, and Chinese 311-3: Formal Reading. The courses are designed to develop students’ abilities to speak and write formal Chinese respectively, as well as to read short literary works in Chinese. The content of the courses cover argumentations and articles on various topics, including Chinese culture, society and contemporary history. Student will also read authentic Chinese literary works in different written forms and language styles by various authors, with a focus on their cultural and social background. The goal of the courses is to train students to use written vocabulary and formal expressions as well as know how to arrange a structured speaking/writing with complete format and logical connections. Students will reach advanced low in reading, writing, listening and speaking based on ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements CHINESE 211-3 with grade C- or above. Students may be placed into this course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon satisfactory completion of 311-1, students will be able to use formal expressions to deliver a structured speech with logical arguments. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-2, students will be able to write essays in a formal style in depth about complex topics. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-3, students will be able to comprehend in depth authentic literary works in Chinese language and communicate efficiently their understanding in speaking and written forms.
Teaching Method Class meets twice per week, 80 minutes per class. The course is designed with intensive student-oriented activities through reading various class materials, including essays, media reports and authentic Chinese literature works. Students are expected to read materials ahead of class, participate in in-class discussions led by the instructor, and make formal statements, arguments, speeches and debates about social and cultural phenomena in paragraphs. With instructor’s necessary corrections and suggestions on students’ papers, they are expected to present their works as formal oral presentations. Chinese is used for instruction.
Overview of class Chinese 311 is a quarter-long series of Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 311-1: Formal Speaking, Chinese 311-2: Formal Writing, and Chinese 311-3: Formal Reading. The courses are designed to develop students’ abilities to speak and write formal Chinese respectively, as well as to read short literary works in Chinese. The content of the courses cover argumentations and articles on various topics, including Chinese culture, society and contemporary history. Student will also read authentic Chinese literary works in different written forms and language styles by various authors, with a focus on their cultural and social background. The goal of the courses is to train students to use written vocabulary and formal expressions as well as know how to arrange a structured speaking/writing with complete format and logical connections. Students will reach advanced low in reading, writing, listening and speaking based on ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements CHINESE 211-3 with grade C- or above. Students may be placed into this course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon satisfactory completion of 311-1, students will be able to use formal expressions to deliver a structured speech with logical arguments. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-2, students will be able to write essays in a formal style in depth about complex topics. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-3, students will be able to comprehend in depth authentic literary works in Chinese language and communicate efficiently their understanding in speaking and written forms.
Teaching Method Class meets twice per week, 80 minutes per class. The course is designed with intensive student-oriented activities through reading various class materials, including essays, media reports and authentic Chinese literature works. Students are expected to read materials ahead of class, participate in in-class discussions led by the instructor, and make formal statements, arguments, speeches and debates about social and cultural phenomena in paragraphs. With instructor’s necessary corrections and suggestions on students’ papers, they are expected to present their works as formal oral presentations. Chinese is used for instruction.
Overview of class Chinese 311 is a quarter-long series of Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 311-1: Formal Speaking, Chinese 311-2: Formal Writing, and Chinese 311-3: Formal Reading. The courses are designed to develop students’ abilities to speak and write formal Chinese respectively, as well as to read short literary works in Chinese. The content of the courses cover argumentations and articles on various topics, including Chinese culture, society and contemporary history. Student will also read authentic Chinese literary works in different written forms and language styles by various authors, with a focus on their cultural and social background. The goal of the courses is to train students to use written vocabulary and formal expressions as well as know how to arrange a structured speaking/writing with complete format and logical connections. Students will reach advanced low in reading, writing, listening and speaking based on ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements CHINESE 211-3 with grade C- or above. Students may be placed into this course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon satisfactory completion of 311-1, students will be able to use formal expressions to deliver a structured speech with logical arguments. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-2, students will be able to write essays in a formal style in depth about complex topics. Upon satisfactory completion of 311-3, students will be able to comprehend in depth authentic literary works in Chinese language and communicate efficiently their understanding in speaking and written forms.
Teaching Method Class meets twice per week, 80 minutes per class. The course is designed with intensive student-oriented activities through reading various class materials, including essays, media reports and authentic Chinese literature works. Students are expected to read materials ahead of class, participate in in-class discussions led by the instructor, and make formal statements, arguments, speeches and debates about social and cultural phenomena in paragraphs. With instructor’s necessary corrections and suggestions on students’ papers, they are expected to present their works as formal oral presentations. Chinese is used for instruction.
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 115 (115-1, 2, 3) is designed for advanced beginners who demonstrate higher levels of listening and speaking proficiency. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master around 350 characters and to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Except for Chinese 115-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Carry out daily conversations with Chinese native speakers using appropriate wordings and manners for various contexts
Read and comprehend short notes and simple stories written in Chinese
Write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in Chinese about personal topics
Master the Chinese phonetic symbols (pinyin) for typing in Chinese
Teaching Method This course meets four days a week and is conducted in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on discussion based on the reading and/or writing assignments students complete before class.
Evaluation Method Classroom attendance and participation, reading and writing assignments, presentations, dictations, written quizzes and one final exam
Class Materials (Required) Fall quarter, Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032399775 Price: $42.95
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.
Teaching Method Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.
Evaluation Method Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.
Class Materials (Required): Fall quarter: Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.); Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company. ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook) Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)
Overview of class This is a year-long three-quarter course in advanced modern Mandarin Chinese. Students will transition from basic, functional communicative skills to more in-depth academic exchanges with themes about the real Chinese world. Besides rigorous practice with oral skills, it focuses on improving reading, writing, and academic language. Topics include Chinese cultural concepts, social change, economic development, and human relationships. Students will read texts, watch videos, and discuss the above topics from a cross-cultural perspective. Proficiency goals (per ACTFL guidelines): Advanced-Low in oral skills and Intermediate-High to Advanced-Low in literacy skills
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Increase students’ awareness and knowledge of social issues in contemporary China.
Expand vocabulary, improve fluency, and enhance the accuracy in output.
Students will learn to, in written and spoken Chinese, organize ideas to produce coherent paragraph-level outputs, make arguments, and express themselves formally.
Teaching Method Discussions in Chinese on readings and video clips.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects
Class Materials (Required) Textbook “Reading Into a New China” by Duanduan Li & Irene Liu, Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-88727-627-9 Price: $49.99
Overview of class This is a year-long three-quarter course in advanced modern Mandarin Chinese. Students will transition from basic, functional communicative skills to more in-depth academic exchanges with themes about the real Chinese world. Besides rigorous practice with oral skills, it focuses on improving reading, writing, and academic language. Topics include Chinese cultural concepts, social change, economic development, and human relationships. Students will read texts, watch videos, and discuss the above topics from a cross-cultural perspective. Proficiency goals (per ACTFL guidelines): Advanced-Low in oral skills and Intermediate-High to Advanced-Low in literacy skills
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Increase students’ awareness and knowledge of social issues in contemporary China.
Expand vocabulary, improve fluency, and enhance the accuracy in output.
Students will learn to, in written and spoken Chinese, organize ideas to produce coherent paragraph-level outputs, make arguments, and express themselves formally.
Teaching Method Discussions in Chinese on readings and video clips.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects
Class Materials (Required) Textbook “Reading Into a New China” by Duanduan Li & Irene Liu, Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-88727-627-9 Price: $49.99
Overview of class This is a year-long three-quarter course in advanced modern Mandarin Chinese. Students will transition from basic, functional communicative skills to more in-depth academic exchanges with themes about the real Chinese world. Besides rigorous practice with oral skills, it focuses on improving reading, writing, and academic language. Topics include Chinese cultural concepts, social change, economic development, and human relationships. Students will read texts, watch videos, and discuss the above topics from a cross-cultural perspective. Proficiency goals (per ACTFL guidelines): Advanced-Low in oral skills and Intermediate-High to Advanced-Low in literacy skills
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives
Increase students’ awareness and knowledge of social issues in contemporary China.
Expand vocabulary, improve fluency, and enhance the accuracy in output.
Students will learn to, in written and spoken Chinese, organize ideas to produce coherent paragraph-level outputs, make arguments, and express themselves formally.
Teaching Method Discussions in Chinese on readings and video clips.
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects
Class Materials (Required) Textbook “Reading Into a New China” by Duanduan Li & Irene Liu, Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-88727-627-9 Price: $49.99
CHINESE 315-1 Chinese IV: Accelerated: Formal Writing and Public Speaking
Overview of class Chinese 315 is a quarter-long series of advanced modern Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 315-1: Formal Writing and Public Speaking; Chinese 315-2: Advanced Reading and Writing, Chinese 315-3: Media and Society.
This advanced Chinese course focuses on academic writing and speaking skills by utilizing authentic materials, carefully selected from various sources and organized into diverse lesson contexts. Students will engage in diverse writing and public speaking forms, mastering grammar, vocabulary, and language conventions. By the end of the course, students will be able to craft persuasive Chinese texts and deliver engaging oral presentations.
Registration Requirements Chinese 215-3 with grade C- or above or by placement. Three courses of Chinese 311-1, 2, 3, 312-1, 312-2 with C- or above, or by placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Conduct research on primary sources
Understand the main messages and most supporting details on a wide variety of general topics
Maintain conversations and discussions on various cultural and social topics
Deliver detailed cohesive presentations and elaborate on various cultural and social topics using organized paragraphs
Teaching Method Discussions on preassigned readings. Students are required to complete the preparation before class.
CHINESE 315-2 Chinese IV - Accelerated: Advanced Reading and Writing
Overview of class Chinese 315 is a quarter-long series of advanced modern Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 315-1: Formal Writing and Public Speaking; Chinese 315-2: Advanced Reading and Writing, Chinese 315-3: Media and Society.
This advanced Chinese course focuses on academic writing and speaking skills by utilizing authentic materials, carefully selected from various sources and organized into diverse lesson contexts. Students will engage in diverse writing and public speaking forms, mastering grammar, vocabulary, and language conventions. By the end of the course, students will be able to craft persuasive Chinese texts and deliver engaging oral presentations.
Registration Requirements Chinese 215-3 with grade C- or above or by placement. Three courses of Chinese 311-1, 2, 3, 312-1, 312-2 with C- or above, or by placement test.
Learning Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to
Conduct research on primary sources
Understand the main messages and most supporting details on a wide variety of general topics
Maintain conversations and discussions on various cultural and social topics
Deliver detailed cohesive presentations and elaborate on various cultural and social topics using organized paragraphs
Teaching Method Discussions on preassigned readings. Students are required to complete the preparation before class.
Overview of class This course explores some of the most influential texts of the major East Asian religious and philosophical traditions including Confucianism, Daoism, Chan/Zen Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism still prominent in China, Japan, Tibet, and several other Asian societies today. The goal is to understand their significance in East Asian cultures, as well as consider what we can learn from these texts today. This course will probe the following questions: What are the major themes, dilemmas, and issues these texts address? How can humans achieve contentment in the world? What are the moral values these texts instill? Beyond a historical focus, this course will also reflect on ways that these literary and religious texts have been appropriated and adapted in the modern context. Each period dedicated to a specific text will be preceded by an introduction to the tradition it represents offering historical background together with biographical and/or content outlines.
Learning Objectives a) Gain exposure to a set of influential literary texts that combine the realms of religion and philosophy. b) Reflect upon a diversity of cultural worldviews represented in the texts. c) Critically analyze different literary genres, including doctrine, philosophy, ethics, and biography. d) Cultivate a deeper understanding of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism e) Engage in consistent and cumulative writing practice in response to complex and challenging works.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Participation In-class presentations Weekly response papers Term paper
Class Materials (required) - Confucius / Annping Chin (transl). The Analects. Penguin Classics (2014) - ISBN 978-0143106852 - Lao Tzu / D.C. Lau (transl). Tao Te Ching. Penguin Classics; Reprint edition (1964) - ISBN 978-0140441314 - Tsangnyon Heruka / A. Quintman (transl). The Life of Milarepa. Penguin Classics; 1 edition (2010) - ISBN 978-0143106227 - Red Pine. The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng (Paperback – November 28, 2008). Counterpoint, 2008. ISBN 978-1593761776
Overview of Course Introduction to Modern Chinese Popular Culture, Part I covers the history of modern Chinese popular cultural production between the mid-19th century and 1949. The course is designed around the introduction and adaptation of four media technologies: photography, film, mass print culture, and sound recording.
Learning Objectives To learn how to use methods of close reading, viewing, and listening effectively to discuss a range of different media technologies and cultural forms
To acquire a formal and theoretical vocabulary for discussing and writing about popular culture and new media, including photography, film, mass print culture, and sound recording
To develop the rhetorical, analytical, and argumentative skills necessary to convey interpretations effectively in writing
To understand the broader historical and cultural contexts that shaped modern Chinese popular cultural production
To learn to evaluate critically scholarly sources of knowledge about modern Chinese popular cultural production
Teaching Method lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Four short essays Two quizzes
Class materials (required) Materials will be available through Canvas
Overview of Course The aim of this course is to introduce the histories of feminisms and feminist consciousness in the Sinosphere, and to thus provide students with exposure to non-Western-centered cases of feminist struggles for human rights and social justice from the late nineteenth century to the present. To achieve this goal, we will analyze a variety of sources, including literature, films, and other media by authors and activists concerned with the lives and realities of Chinese women. In the course of our discussions, we will map our respective positionalities vis-à-vis the study of feminist engagements, histories, and actors in the Sinophone. Throughout the quarter we will combine our engagement with primary and secondary sources to navigate questions like: How do we study feminisms within the remit of Chinese studies? What biases, legacies, and challenges do we need to contend with as scholars working (mostly) in the Anglophone outside of the Sinosphere? Who determines when and where Sinophone feminist engagements emerged? What disciplinary methodologies and tools do we have in our interdisciplinary toolbox that we can deploy as researchers and as teachers? We will be joined in this enterprise by two exciting and distinct cohorts both virtually and in person. A series of guest speakers based in the USA, Europe, mainland China, and Taiwan who, in their roles as scholars and activists, will help us probe the contested claims about the births and birthplaces of Chinese feminisms, to engage, critique, and discuss both conventional and alter/native approaches to studying and teaching Sinophone feminisms in the Anglophone. We will thus have the opportunity, to engage in a dialogue with scholars like Barbara Mittler, Wang Zheng, Jia Tan, and others. For each of these lectures, we will share a virtual synchronous classroom with fellow classmates in Heidelberg University, who will attend an intensive version of this course over Summer 2024, also taught by Professor Zamperini. Our learning will thus help us build a collective, transcultural, and global community of thinkers and researchers, one that helpfully will continue long after the end of our course at the end of the Fall quarter. Knowledge of Chinese and previous exposure to the course’s topics, while helpful, is not required.
Learning Objectives
• Apply key theoretical concepts from the course to understand and analyze social issues related to gender, sexuality, new media, social equity, ethics, and justice from a feminist perspective. • Critically investigate, explain and analyze the readings and topics of the course in class discussion and writing assignments, and improve analytical skills in these two connected spheres. •Reflect on questions of location and privilege especially in relation to scholarship and activism. • Integrate course insights into one’s daily lives and cultivate activism about gender equality and diversity that takes into consideration global, regional, political, historical, and cultural contexts. • Understand the cultural logic of a time and place not our own • Become an active part of a transnational, transcultural learning community that integrates scholars and peers in a variety of academic environments around the world, beginning with Heidelberg University
Teaching Method Student-centered discussion and lectures
Evaluation Method The final grade will be based on the following criteria: -Active class participation (attendance, preparation, and discussion) 30% -Assignments (writing statements, short papers, in class presentations, collaboration with peers, etc.) 35% -Final Project 35%
Class Materials (required) All materials will be available on Canvas
Overview of Course This course will focus on the anthropological, cultural, historical, and social development of F/fashion, clothing, textiles, and their consumption in East Asia., past and present. Using a variety of sources, from fiction to art, from bodily modification to textile production, from legal codes to advertisements, we will study both actual garments created and worn throughout history, as well as the ways in which they inform identity markers such as class, ethnicity, nationality, and gender. Among the topics we will analyze in this sense will be hairstyles, foot-binding, plastic surgery, and, in a deeper sense, bodily practices that inform most fashion-related discourses in East Asia. We will also think through the issue of fashion design, production, and consumption as an often-contested site of modernity, especially in relationship to the issue of globalization and world-market. Thus, we will also include a discussion of international fashion designers, along with analysis of phenomena such as sweatshops.
Learning Objectives Acquisition of knowledge about fashion studies, fashion theory, East Asian clothing and fashion cultures and histories. This will entail exposure to both visual and literary primary sources (in English, and for those students able to, in the appropriate East Asian language), as well as to related secondary sources. -Development of methodological skills in studying, reading, and analyzing the primary and secondary sources related to the themes of the course. -Growth as independent researchers in the field of Anthropology of fashion, East Asian Studies, Fashion Studies, Gender Studies, and Asian humanities. -Growth as independent academic thinkers and writers.
Teaching Method Student-centered discussion with the occasional lecture
Evaluation Method The final grade will be based on the following criteria: -Active class participation (discussion, preparation, short assignments); 30% -Assignments (clothing journal, writing statements, short papers, et al.) ; 35% -Final Project
Class Materials (required) All course materials will be provided on Canvas.
Overview of class This seminar will focus on how women, across cultures and time, represent their lives through various media and means, from visual art to literary engagements to graphic media, from movies and photography to music and social media. Our interdisciplinary investigation of (mostly non-Western and as often as possible Asian) women's autobiographical practices, past and present, will allow us to work closely with primary sources (in English translation, if necessary), and with pertinent theoretical work in the fields of gender, sexuality, feminist theory, and queer studies. The authors we will engage include Lady Sarashina, Artemisia Gentileschi, Li Qingzhao, Lady Hyegyong, Orgyan Chokyi, He Yin Zhen, Charlotte Salomon, Theresa H. K. Cha, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, San Mao, Theresa H. K. Cha and Thi Buy, among others. When possible and meaningful, we will set their autobiographical practices against the grain of male representations of women's lives, and in dialogue with our own autobiographical gestures and utterances.
Learning Objectives In College seminars, students gain skills in: • setting and evaluating academic goals • communicating effectively, both orally and in writing • studying effectively • thinking critically • understanding standards of academic integrity • knowing when and how to ask for help
In our time together, we will integrate the objectives above with the themes, issues, and methodologies related to women’s autobiographical practices. More specifically, we will 1) Introduce major ideas in the study of autobiographical practices over time, from the perspective of a variety of disciplines, and in a variety of genres and media 2) Explore a variety of disciplinary methodologies to think about and study autobiographical practices, their intersections with gender, subjectivities, class, status, culture, across time and space 3)Think critically about the standpoints, methods, omissions, and possible uses of each study 4) Learn to reflect on our respective positionalities and how our intersectional identities inflect, inform, and shape our understanding of cultural practices and productions, our own as well those different from ours 5) Foster detailed, persuasive writing and conversation about these complicated topics 6) Create individual and communal spaces of dialogue and conversation around the seminar’s topics
Teaching Method Student-centered discussion, with the occasional lecture
Evaluation Method The final grade will be based on the following criteria: -Active class participation and attendance (discussion, preparation, short assignments) 25% -Assignments (writing statements, short papers, etc.) 25% -Presentation 15% -Final Project 35%
Class Material (Required) All materials will be available on Canvas and on e-reserve.
Overview of class This course is a year-long, three-quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no background in Hindi-Urdu (also called Hindi and Urdu). At the beginning of the three-quarter sequence, students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read, or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students will be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), students continue to learn new grammatical constructions, and by the end of the quarter they are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3), students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly vocabulary quizzes, biweekly grammar quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-term, final and an oral interviews.
Class Materials (Required) Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary HindiISBN-13: 978-0804845038 Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary Hindi WorkbookISBN: 978-080484503897
Overview of class This course is a year-long, three-quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no background in Hindi-Urdu (also called Hindi and Urdu). At the beginning of the three-quarter sequence, students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read, or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students will be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), students continue to learn new grammatical constructions, and by the end of the quarter they are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3), students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly vocabulary quizzes, biweekly grammar quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-term, final and an oral interviews.
Class Materials (Required) Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary HindiISBN-13: 978-0804845038 Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary Hindi WorkbookISBN: 978-080484503897
Overview of class This course is a year-long, three-quarter sequence, and is meant for students with no background in Hindi-Urdu (also called Hindi and Urdu). At the beginning of the three-quarter sequence, students are not expected to be able to speak, understand, read, or write any Hindi-Urdu. In the first quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-1) the students are introduced to the Hindi (Devanagari) script and to aspects of Hindi-Urdu grammar. By the end of this quarter the students will be able to talk about their family, their routines, their likes and dislikes, and also describe actions in progress. In the second quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-2), students continue to learn new grammatical constructions, and by the end of the quarter they are able to talk about events in the past and the future. In the third quarter (Hindi-Urdu 111-3), students learn to express possibilities, wants, abilities and capabilities. They also learn finer aspects of grammar. By the end of this quarter students achieve intermediate-low language skills in Hindi-Urdu.
Registration Requirements None for Hindi-Urdu 111-1, Hindi-Urdu 111-1 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-2, Hindi-Urdu 111-2 with a C- or better for Hindi-Urdu 111-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, word-games, YouTube videos, internet and in-class materials
Evaluation Method Assessment is based on weekly vocabulary quizzes, biweekly grammar quizzes, attendance, classroom participation and presentations, home assignments, mid-term, final and an oral interviews.
Class Materials (Required) Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary HindiISBN-13: 978-0804845038 Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi Elementary Hindi WorkbookISBN: 978-080484503897
Overview of class This course is designed for students who speak Hindi or Urdu, two forms of a single language (Hindi-Urdu) that is written in two scripts. Students will learn how to read and write in Devanagari (Hindi) and Nastaliq (Urdu) scripts. We will also review Hindi-Urdu grammar, focusing on areas that present difficulty for heritage speakers. At the end of the quarter, students will be evaluated for placement into higher-level Hindi-Urdu language and literature courses.
Registration Requirements With instructor/departmental consent.
Teaching Method Seminar
Evaluation Method Assessment is based primarily on in-class quizzes, attendance, classroom participation, and home assignments. No final exam.
Class Materials (Required) All course materials will be made available in class or through Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested – these may change) R.S. McGregor, Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary: 978-0198643395 S.M. Salimuddin and Suhail Anjum, Oxford Urdu-English Dictionary: 978-0195979947 S.K. Verma, Oxford English-Hindi Dictionary: 978-0195648195 Shanul Haq Haqqee, Oxford English-Urdu Dictionary: 978-0195793406
Overview of class This is a year-long, three-quarter language sequence. Students start the year by working on reinforcing all the language skills attained the year before, and adding the Nastaliq (Urdu) script to their skill set. They continue developing speaking skills and listening comprehension, as well as expanding the Hindi-Urdu grammar and vocabulary. We do so by reading short stories, poems, and articles, watching and discussing movie clips, short films and videos, and making in-class presentations. During the year we touch on a variety of themes involving South Asian culture and society, travel, literary traditions, the natural world, etc. By the end of the three-quarter sequence, students attain intermediate-mid or higher language proficiency in Hindi-Urdu.
Note: Please purchase all the required textbooks in the fall quarter, as this is the only quarter that they are ordered during the year.
Registration Requirements C- or better in Hindi-Urdu 111-3 for Hindi-Urdu 121-1, Hindi-Urdu 121-1 for Hindi-Urdu 121-2, Hindi-Urdu 121-2 for Hindi-Urdu 121-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, extra materials, movies.
Evaluation Method The students are graded on the basis of home assignments, weekly quizzes, midterm, attendance, oral interviews and class participation. No final.
Class Materials (Required) Advanced Hindi Grammar (2007) by U. Jain. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 094461342X ISBN-13: 978-0944613429
Overview of class This is a year-long, three-quarter language sequence. Students start the year by working on reinforcing all the language skills attained the year before, and adding the Nastaliq (Urdu) script to their skill set. They continue developing speaking skills and listening comprehension, as well as expanding the Hindi-Urdu grammar and vocabulary. We do so by reading short stories, poems, and articles, watching and discussing movie clips, short films and videos, and making in-class presentations. During the year we touch on a variety of themes involving South Asian culture and society, travel, literary traditions, the natural world, etc. By the end of the three-quarter sequence, students attain intermediate-mid or higher language proficiency in Hindi-Urdu.
Note: Please purchase all the required textbooks in the fall quarter, as this is the only quarter that they are ordered during the year.
Registration Requirements C- or better in Hindi-Urdu 111-3 for Hindi-Urdu 121-1, Hindi-Urdu 121-1 for Hindi-Urdu 121-2, Hindi-Urdu 121-2 for Hindi-Urdu 121-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, extra materials, movies.
Evaluation Method The students are graded on the basis of home assignments, weekly quizzes, midterm, attendance, oral interviews and class participation. No final.
Class Materials (Required) Advanced Hindi Grammar (2007) by U. Jain. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 094461342X ISBN-13: 978-0944613429
Overview of class This is a year-long, three-quarter language sequence. Students start the year by working on reinforcing all the language skills attained the year before, and adding the Nastaliq (Urdu) script to their skill set. They continue developing speaking skills and listening comprehension, as well as expanding the Hindi-Urdu grammar and vocabulary. We do so by reading short stories, poems, and articles, watching and discussing movie clips, short films and videos, and making in-class presentations. During the year we touch on a variety of themes involving South Asian culture and society, travel, literary traditions, the natural world, etc. By the end of the three-quarter sequence, students attain intermediate-mid or higher language proficiency in Hindi-Urdu.
Note: Please purchase all the required textbooks in the fall quarter, as this is the only quarter that they are ordered during the year.
Registration Requirements C- or better in Hindi-Urdu 111-3 for Hindi-Urdu 121-1, Hindi-Urdu 121-1 for Hindi-Urdu 121-2, Hindi-Urdu 121-2 for Hindi-Urdu 121-3, and by placement test or with instructor consent.
Teaching Method Textbook, extra materials, movies.
Evaluation Method The students are graded on the basis of home assignments, weekly quizzes, midterm, attendance, oral interviews and class participation. No final.
Class Materials (Required) Advanced Hindi Grammar (2007) by U. Jain. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 094461342X ISBN-13: 978-0944613429
Overview of class The accelerated Hindi-Urdu 125-2 course has been designed for students with existing proficiencies in speaking and listening skills in Hindi-Urdu (intermediate-low/mid), and more limited reading and writing abilities in the Hindi (Devanagari) script (novice-high/intermediate-low). This course condenses the three-quarter intermediate Hindi-Urdu 121 course into a single quarter, and focuses on the further development of students’ reading and writing skills in Hindi-Urdu, while enhancing their range of vocabulary from intermediate-low to intermediate-mid. We do so by exploring South Asian culture and doing task-based projects.
Registration Requirements Prerequisite: HIND_URD 125-1 OR determined by proficiency test/permission of the instructor
Teaching Method Texts, movie clips, blogs, songs, stories, grammar practice, etc.
Evaluation Method Students will be given weekly vocabulary quizzes (to be completed via Quizlet), biweekly grammar quizzes, weekly Padlet writing assignments, daily home assignments, in-class presentations as well as a Final at the end of the quarter. They will also be assessed for attendance and class participation.
Class Materials (Recommended) Intermediate Hindi Reader (1999) by U. Jain with K. Schomer. Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies; ISBN-10: 087725351X ISBN-13: 978-0877253518 Intermediate Hindi (1996) by Y. Kachru and R. Pandharipande Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN-10: 8120805585 ISBN-13: 978-8120805583
Overview of class Bhoot, pret, churail, jinn, betal, dayan—stories from South Asia often feature ghosts, witches, and other supernatural beings. They can be playful and helpful, or menacing and malevolent. They can be figments of the imagination that crumble under the harsh glare of science, or they can be very real. And they can tell us about the fears, desires, and longings of the humans who encounter them.
In this class, we will read stories by Hindi and Urdu writers like Naiyer Masud, Uday Prakash, Qurratulain Hyder, Premchand, Vijaydan Detha, and Phanishwarnath Renu, and watch films like Paheli, Mahal, and Nagin. With the help of scholars of literature, history, and anthropology, we’ll think about what and how these texts mean, and about how they have been translated and adapted across languages and media.
All readings will be available in both Hindi (Devanagari) and Urdu (Nastaliq) scripts.
Registration Requirements Prerequisites: 300-level placement in Hindi-Urdu or instructor permission.
Overview of Course This course focuses on close readings of primary sources that weave a nuanced tapestry of ideas about race, caste, color, gender, freedom, and bondage around the world and across nearly two centuries. Poring over a range of readings from political speeches and manifestos to 19th century novels and 21st century poetry to love letters and music videos primarily from India and the United States but extending occasionally to Latin America and the United Kingdom, together we will build a framework to understand how colonizers, politicians, freedom fighters, activists, writers, and artists engage discourses of race and caste. We will learn how these and other related terms, and the evolving meanings attached to them, are wielded for political purpose and aesthetic effect, and how they evolve and change over time and across shifting regional and cultural contexts.
Learning Objectives Perform close readings and discourse analysis on a wide range of primary source texts. Synthesize texts across a range of geographic, temporal, and political contexts to understand how semiotic, political, and aesthetic meanings evolve. Articulate a thesis and support it with evidence in both oral and written expression.
Teaching Method Lecture and Discussion
Evaluation Method Short writing assignments, participation in class, and contribution to collaborative projects such as building a class lexicon of terms (and their discursive usages) related to caste and race. Final in-class exam.
Class Materials (required) Everything will be available on Canvas.
ASIAN LC 260 Midnight's Children: South Asian Literature and Culture after 1947
Overview of Course In August 1947, colonial India was divided into the newly independent nations of India and Pakistan. At the same moment as former colonial subjects celebrated their liberation, millions of people experienced, and perpetrated, violence and terror on a cataclysmic scale. As the strife of Partition continued to reverberate, the following years saw extremes of idealism, cynicism, invention, and ambition. In this course, we will examine the literature and culture of the decades after 1947, as the namesake children of Salman Rushdie’s famous novel grew up in their new postcolonial nations.
In addition to reading Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, we will spend time with a variety of literary and artistic works, including fiction, poetry, films, plays, and paintings. Secondary works by scholars in a variety of fields will help us get below the surface and to consider a variety of ways to think about themes including democracy, conflict, gender, literary and artistic modernism, and the postcolonial condition.
ASIAN LC 261 The Big B: Amitabh Bachchan and Bollywood Stardom
Overview of Course The Hindi film industry, often called Bollywood, is famously one of the world’s biggest and most recognizable. Every year, the studios in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) put out hundreds of movies, in addition to hundreds more that are released by India’s other film industries in languages like Tamil, Telugu, and Bengali. Most of these movies are full of songs and dances, and bring action, comedy, tragedy, and romance together into one (often very complex) story. As the subject of our class has said, Hindi cinema “offers poetic justice in three hours. You walk away with a smile on your lips and dried tears on your cheeks.”
Film industries everywhere choose a few actors to elevate above all others. The biggest of these movie stars in India, and perhaps in the world, is Amitabh Bachchan. With his brooding, rebellious charisma, not to mention his ready wit, resonant baritone voice, and enviable dance moves, his “angry young man” persona dominated the films of the 1970s. Today, half a century after his film debut, he is still a major star. His face and voice are instantly recognizable, not only throughout South Asia and its diaspora, but in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere. As his characters have aged from youthful rebels to somewhat less youthful rebels to stern patriarchs to goofy old men obsessed with their digestive tracts, he has at times seemed inescapable off the movie screen as well. He has spent time in politics, hosted a wildly successful game show, and starred in children’s comic books; one fan has even built a temple to worship him as a literal idol.
In this course, we will focus on Amitabh Bachchan, not only because he and his films are so interesting, but because he has so much to tell us about how Indian films work and what a star is. Students will have opportunities to think and write, not only about Amitabh and his films, but about film and celebrity more broadly.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- analyze Hindi films, and other elements of South Asian popular culture, in light of cultural, social, and political considerations;
- critically evaluate scholarly work relating to South Asian history and culture;
- work with classmates to produce knowledge collaboratively;
- make cogent and persuasive arguments, orally and in writing, incorporating careful analysis of primary and secondary materials.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese I (JAPANESE 111-1, 2, and 3) is a yearlong course that covers the first half of college-level elementary Japanese. In Japanese I, students will build a solid foundation for Japanese language learning while developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through in-class activities and written assignments. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are required.
Registration Requirements Except for JAPANESE 111-1, students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end goal of Japanese I is to bring students’ overall Japanese proficiency to the Intermediate-Low level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines. Upon completing the course, students can greet, introduce themselves, describe their families and friends, and discuss their daily routines, experiences, and opinions.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese, and class hours are spent mainly on oral proficiency development. Written assignments are given for reading and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance; assignments; quizzes; oral, listening, and written examinations.
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2021). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-870-6.
Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1 – Hiragana/Katakana, Kanji, Reading, Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-910-9.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA 1: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN: 978-4-87424-950-5
Class Materials (Suggested) Endo-Hudson, M. (1994). English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN: 0-934034-16-8; Makino, S. & Tsutsui M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 4-7890-0454-6; Kodansha. (2012). Kodansha's Essential Kanji Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha. ISBN: 978-1568363974.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, videos, written assignments, and in-class activities.
The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to describe not only their own experiences and daily lives, but also their community, general trend, and what is happening in society, while increasing vocabulary and sentence structures that they can use more precisely. Students will also practice summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are expected. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines, and A2 - B1.1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), as closely as possible. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages with some fluency.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on development of oral interpersonal communication skills, and written assignments are given for reading, listening, and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1: Kanji | Reading | Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-960-4
If released in time:
Oka, M. et al. (expected in 2024). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 -Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
Class Materials (Suggested) English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, videos, written assignments, and in-class activities.
The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to describe not only their own experiences and daily lives, but also their community, general trend, and what is happening in society, while increasing vocabulary and sentence structures that they can use more precisely. Students will also practice summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are expected. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines, and A2 - B1.1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), as closely as possible. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages with some fluency.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on development of oral interpersonal communication skills, and written assignments are given for reading, listening, and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1: Kanji | Reading | Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-960-4
If released in time:
Oka, M. et al. (expected in 2024). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 -Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
Class Materials (Suggested) English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, videos, written assignments, and in-class activities.
The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to describe not only their own experiences and daily lives, but also their community, general trend, and what is happening in society, while increasing vocabulary and sentence structures that they can use more precisely. Students will also practice summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are expected. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines, and A2 - B1.1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), as closely as possible. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages with some fluency.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on development of oral interpersonal communication skills, and written assignments are given for reading, listening, and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1: Kanji | Reading | Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-960-4
If released in time:
Oka, M. et al. (expected in 2024). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 -Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
Class Materials (Suggested) English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2 and 3), sequel to Japanese I (JAPANESE 111), is a yearlong course that covers the second half of college level elementary Japanese and prepares students for intermediate Japanese (JAPANESE 211). In this course, students will continue developing the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and learn various aspects of Japanese culture and society through readings, videos, written assignments, and in-class activities.
The emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary to describe not only their own experiences and daily lives, but also their community, general trend, and what is happening in society, while increasing vocabulary and sentence structures that they can use more precisely. Students will also practice summarizing a story that they heard, read, or watched. Careful and thorough review and preparation for each class session are expected. With consistent oral and written feedback from the instructor, students will enhance their language and cultural awareness, leading to increased understanding, appreciation, and utilization of the target language, to become autonomous learners.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives The year-end proficiency goal of Japanese II is for the students to reach the Intermediate-Mid level defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines, and A2 - B1.1 defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), as closely as possible. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and passages with some fluency.
Teaching Method This course is conducted mostly in Japanese. Class hours are spent mainly on development of oral interpersonal communication skills, and written assignments are given for reading, listening, and writing proficiency development.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, and essays
Class Materials (Required) Oka, M. et al. (2022). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-900-0.
Oka, M. et al. (2023). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 1: Kanji | Reading | Writing. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. ISBN 978-4-87424-960-4
If released in time:
Oka, M. et al. (expected in 2024). TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese Workbook 2 -Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
Class Materials (Suggested) English Grammar for Students of Japanese. Ann Arbor: The Olivia and Hill Press. ISBN 978-0934034166; Makino, S. & Tsutsui, M. (1989). Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN 978-4789004541.
Overview of class Japanese III (JAPANESE 211-1, 2, 3) is a yearlong college-level intermediate course, the sequel to Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2, 3). In Japanese III, students will continue developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and learning various aspects of Japanese culture and society through reading materials, TV dramas, class discussions and interview projects (211-2, 3). The formal writing styles are introduced, and students will learn to distinguish formal/casual speech and writing styles. The yearend proficiency goal of 211 is Intermediate-High, defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon the successful completion of the year-long course, the students will be able to 1) comfortably and appropriately handle daily situations, 2) describe and narrate daily events and personal experiences in an organized manner, 3) summarize the main points of a short presentation or a story, 4) use casual/formal speech and written styles, 5) attain a working knowledge of kanji that are frequently used in media, and 6) communicate with native speakers on familiar topics in informal settings. The students are also expected to 7) deepen their understanding of customs, culture, and social phenomena of contemporary Japan, and 8) learn strategies to become autonomous learners.
Teaching Method Discussion. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, projects.
Class Materials (Required) JAPANESE 211-1 Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016957
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016964
JAPANESE 211-2 and 211-3 Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN:978-4789017459
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789017466
Overview of class Japanese III (JAPANESE 211-1, 2, 3) is a yearlong college-level intermediate course, the sequel to Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2, 3). In Japanese III, students will continue developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and learning various aspects of Japanese culture and society through reading materials, TV dramas, class discussions and interview projects (211-2, 3). The formal writing styles are introduced, and students will learn to distinguish formal/casual speech and writing styles. The yearend proficiency goal of 211 is Intermediate-High, defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon the successful completion of the year-long course, the students will be able to 1) comfortably and appropriately handle daily situations, 2) describe and narrate daily events and personal experiences in an organized manner, 3) summarize the main points of a short presentation or a story, 4) use casual/formal speech and written styles, 5) attain a working knowledge of kanji that are frequently used in media, and 6) communicate with native speakers on familiar topics in informal settings. The students are also expected to 7) deepen their understanding of customs, culture, and social phenomena of contemporary Japan, and 8) learn strategies to become autonomous learners.
Teaching Method Discussion. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, projects.
Class Materials (Required) JAPANESE 211-1 Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016957
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016964
JAPANESE 211-2 and 211-3 Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN:978-4789017459
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789017466
Overview of class Japanese III (JAPANESE 211-1, 2, 3) is a yearlong college-level intermediate course, the sequel to Japanese II (JAPANESE 121-1, 2, 3). In Japanese III, students will continue developing the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and learning various aspects of Japanese culture and society through reading materials, TV dramas, class discussions and interview projects (211-2, 3). The formal writing styles are introduced, and students will learn to distinguish formal/casual speech and writing styles. The yearend proficiency goal of 211 is Intermediate-High, defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.
Registration Requirements Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above or be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives Upon the successful completion of the year-long course, the students will be able to 1) comfortably and appropriately handle daily situations, 2) describe and narrate daily events and personal experiences in an organized manner, 3) summarize the main points of a short presentation or a story, 4) use casual/formal speech and written styles, 5) attain a working knowledge of kanji that are frequently used in media, and 6) communicate with native speakers on familiar topics in informal settings. The students are also expected to 7) deepen their understanding of customs, culture, and social phenomena of contemporary Japan, and 8) learn strategies to become autonomous learners.
Teaching Method Discussion. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method Class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes, oral and written examinations, projects.
Class Materials (Required) JAPANESE 211-1 Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016957
Yasui et al. (2019). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.1, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789016964
JAPANESE 211-2 and 211-3 Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2 (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN:978-4789017459
Yasui et al. (2020). QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills, Vol.2, Workbook (English Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times. ISBN: 978-4789017466
Overview of class This is an advanced course in reading and translation of modern Japanese. Its goals are twofold: first, to cultivate advanced reading skills necessary to read authentic literary materials in Japanese, and second, to develop the technical skills and metalinguistic awareness necessary to produce effective English translations. Course readings focus on representations of the city of Tokyo from the early to mid-20th century in a range of prose genres; emphasis is on gaining facility in different literary styles and linguistic registers, and on developing techniques for parsing and translating texts that demand rich contextual knowledge. Primary readings are in Japanese with discussion and theoretical readings in English.
Learning Objectives: Students who complete this course are expected to be able to do the following: • Accurately parse and interpret authentic prose writing from the early to mid-20th century; read prewar Japanese orthography, including historical kanji and historical kana usage. • Analyze and compare different literary styles, linguistic registers, and expressive choices as a basis for literary translation. • Use reference sources for self-learning and independent reading, both for linguistic understanding (grammar references and dictionaries) and historical context (encyclopedias and other research tools). • Produce translations that reflect not only a literal understanding of linguistic meaning but an awareness of style, register, tone, theme, and other literary or stylistic concerns. • Describe conceptual problems surrounding the translation of cultural texts, and explain how choices made in the course of a given translation address those problems. • Describe the social and cultural associations surrounding different neighborhoods of modern Tokyo.
Teaching Method Lecture/Discussion/Workshop
Evaluation Method Attendance, participation, weekly translations, final presentation, final translation
JAPANESE 312-1 Japanese IV: Contemporary Japanese Literary Works for Reading and Discussion
Course Overview In this course, students will enhance their language skills by exploring literary materials in Japanese and discussing them. While literature courses in Japanese studies emphasize historical contexts and specific analytical frameworks for the texts, this course focuses on students’ own engagement with and language analysis of written works. The course materials include poems, essays, manga, short stories, and novels. Supplementary movies may be provided depending on their availability.
Registration Requirements: Students must have completed JAPANESE 211-3 with C- or above, or must be placed into the class by the departmental placement test.
Learning Objectives 1) Enhancing language proficiency in reading and speaking to Advanced-Low in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 2) Explore various literary genres and identifying their stylistic elements and themes, 3) Developing critical thinking skills by analyzing texts from multiple perspectives, and 4) Becoming an autonomous learner through examining strategies to achieve proficiency independently.
Teaching Method: Discussion. This course is conducted in Japanese.
Evaluation Method: Participation, assignments, projects, oral and written exams.
Class Materials (Required): All materials will be provided via Canvas.
ASIAN LC 221 Introduction to Classical Japanese Literature
Overview of Course This course is an introduction to Japanese literature from the earliest writings through the end of the Heian period (12th c.), including early mythohistory, poetry, Buddhist folklore, diaries, and narrative fiction. Students will be introduced to key historical contexts surrounding the formation of the early Japanese court and the birth of Japanese literary culture, the influence of Buddhism on Japanese thought and literature, the role of poetic composition and exchange in Heian court culture, and more, while learning to analyze the formal qualities and thematic content of texts in different genres.
Learning Objectives • Describe the historical evolution and major genres, authors, works of Japanese literature from the earliest writings through the end of the Heian period (8th-12th c.) • Analyze the thematic content and formal structure of literary works as a basis for interpretation and comparison. • Situate literary and dramatic works in relation to meaningful social and cultural contexts, and interpret how they both reflected and commented creatively upon those contexts. • Interpret key conceptual terms like ‘literature’ in historical and cultural contexts and in relation to primary texts. • Communicate and debate humanistic topics from multiple, possibly conflicting perspectives, both orally and in writing
ASIAN LC 224 This class topic changed from Manga: Its History and Forms to Japanese Cinema I
Overview of course
Introduction to Japanese Cinema I: From Early Cinema to the Golden Age This course offers a history of Japanese cinema from its earliest days through the so-called “Golden Age” of the 1950s. We will consider how film and other moving image technologies have reflected historical moments and shaped cultural discourses in modern Japan. Focusing on films that raise disciplinary questions related to both the cinematic medium and Japan, we will examine, among other topics, the era of silent cinema; the relationship between nationhood and the formation of a “national” cinema; technological transformations and the coming of sound; the wartime period; cinema during the occupation; and 1950s modernism. We will also study the place of important individual directors – Ozu, Mizoguchi, and Kurosawa – within the broader economic and institutional contexts of Japanese cinema and its global circulation. Students will learn how to critically analyze various films from multiple theoretical perspectives while gaining an understanding of the major figures and movements in the history of Japanese cinema. Syllabus subject to change.
Evaluation Method: Attendance and Participation; Quizzes; Short Essays
Class Materials (required): All readings are available on Canvas as individual files. All films will be screened in class and can be streamed through Canvas
Overview of Course This course examines the relationship between arts and politics in modern Japan. We will examine examples of how art has been conceived as a form of political activism and how social movements have, in turn, shaped cultural and aesthetic forms. The course will move chronologically while exploring a set of historically persistent questions: How have art and politics been defined as distinct or overlapping realms of human activity? What is the relationship between aesthetic form and political ideologies? How is artistic production itself a form of social organization and engagement? We will consider, among other topics, how transnational anarchism and struggles for democracy in the late 19th century shaped the modern novel; feminist literature and proletarian arts movements; fascist aesthetics; practices of democracy in the postwar avant-garde; afro-Japanese solidarities and cultural exchange; the intersection of art and social protest in the 1960s; and the role of the arts in anti-nuclear movements. Drawing from an array of disciplinary perspectives, this course investigates how the arts have been used to imagine and enact social change on local, national, and global scales. Syllabus subject to change.
Learning Objectives
1. To develop a working knowledge of major political and artistic movements in modern Japanese history 2. To reflect critically on the relationship between art and politics 3. To become conversant in the political and discursive stakes of aesthetic media through group discussion, written assignments, and verbal presentation 4. To improve skills of interpreting aesthetic objects in different media 5. To learn how to complete basic research combining political and aesthetic approaches to the study of Asia as part of a final project
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Class Participation, Discussion posts, Midterm Essay, Final Essay
Class Materials (Required) All Materials are available as PDFs on Canvas
Overview of class What kind of stories do video games tell, and what do these stories tell us about the cultures that produced them? How does the uniquely interactive nature of games give shape to the stories that they tell and the meanings that they convey? Where does the experience of play fit into the stories through which a culture produces meaning? This course explores these questions in the context of Japanese cultural history from the 1990s to the present.
Learning Objectives • Situate digital games (or tropes, techniques, genres, and styles of the same) in the historical and cultural contexts in which they were produced and/or consumed. • Describe individual games from the perspective of given theoretical concepts and historical contexts, and use such descriptions as a basis from which to analyze their formal structures. • Interpret digital games and game genres in terms of major narrative tropes and paradigms of Japanese popular culture between the 1980s and the present day. • Identify deeper social, cultural, or ideological meaning or value in individual games, even when such meanings are not immediately apparent or clearly intended. • Evaluate digital games on multiple, distinct, possibly conflicting measures of value; discuss and critique measures of value. • Use writing (formal and informal) and discussion to enrich their own experience of digital games.
Teaching Method Lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method Attendance and participation, online forum, weekly group presentations, final group project, final individual project
Class materials (required) All materials will be provided digitally in PDF format. Games will be available in the Media and Design Studio in Kresge Hall.
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
Overview of class This is ayear-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements 111-1: None 111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test 111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
This is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements 121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press) 978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Accelerated Korean course for students with existing proficiencies in speaking/ listening skills and more limited reading /writing skills in Korean. It focuses more on developing students’ literacy skills to balance with their oral skills. Students will engage in various literacy activities with a textbook and authentic materials with community-based cultural activities.
Registration Requirements 125-1: The departmental placement test 125-2: Completion of 125-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 125-3: Completion of 125-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline. By the end of year, it aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures of the National Standards.
Teaching Method This class is conducted exclusively in Korean with minimal grammar instruction. Students will be doing extensive writing practice, reading authentic materials, class discussions, and learning various community-related and cultural aspects of Korea.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and performance, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, written assignments, oral performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8277-8 & 978-0-8248-8278-5
Integrated Korean Workbook: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8629-5 & 978-0-8248-8630-1
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Accelerated Korean course for students with existing proficiencies in speaking/ listening skills and more limited reading /writing skills in Korean. It focuses more on developing students’ literacy skills to balance with their oral skills. Students will engage in various literacy activities with a textbook and authentic materials with community-based cultural activities.
Registration Requirements 125-1: The departmental placement test 125-2: Completion of 125-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 125-3: Completion of 125-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline. By the end of year, it aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures of the National Standards.
Teaching Method This class is conducted exclusively in Korean with minimal grammar instruction. Students will be doing extensive writing practice, reading authentic materials, class discussions, and learning various community-related and cultural aspects of Korea.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and performance, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, written assignments, oral performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8277-8 & 978-0-8248-8278-5
Integrated Korean Workbook: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8629-5 & 978-0-8248-8630-1
Overview of class This is a year-long second-year Accelerated Korean course for students with existing proficiencies in speaking/ listening skills and more limited reading /writing skills in Korean. It focuses more on developing students’ literacy skills to balance with their oral skills. Students will engage in various literacy activities with a textbook and authentic materials with community-based cultural activities.
Registration Requirements 125-1: The departmental placement test 125-2: Completion of 125-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 125-3: Completion of 125-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline. By the end of year, it aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures of the National Standards.
Teaching Method This class is conducted exclusively in Korean with minimal grammar instruction. Students will be doing extensive writing practice, reading authentic materials, class discussions, and learning various community-related and cultural aspects of Korea.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and performance, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, written assignments, oral performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required) Integrated Korean: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8277-8 & 978-0-8248-8278-5
Integrated Korean Workbook: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) 978-0-8248-8629-5 & 978-0-8248-8630-1
Overview of class This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability, particularly to enhance the overall communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing toward Advanced level. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic, discourse and socio-cultural aspects. Students will gain in-depth knowledge in academic discourse skills and understanding of Korean language, culture, and society.
Registration Requirements 211-1: Completion of 121-3 or 125-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-2: Completion of 211-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-3: Completion of 211-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral performance, and final project.
Class Materials (Required) Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
Overview of class This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability, particularly to enhance the overall communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing toward Advanced level. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic, discourse and socio-cultural aspects. Students will gain in-depth knowledge in academic discourse skills and understanding of Korean language, culture, and society.
Registration Requirements 211-1: Completion of 121-3 or 125-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-2: Completion of 211-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-3: Completion of 211-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral performance, and final project.
Class Materials (Required) Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
Overview of class This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability, particularly to enhance the overall communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing toward Advanced level. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic, discourse and socio-cultural aspects. Students will gain in-depth knowledge in academic discourse skills and understanding of Korean language, culture, and society.
Registration Requirements 211-1: Completion of 121-3 or 125-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-2: Completion of 211-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test 211-3: Completion of 211-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures.
Teaching Method Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral performance, and final project.
Class Materials (Required) Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University 978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
ASIAN LC 240 Colonial Korean Literature and Culture
Overview of Course Why is the Korean-Japanese relationship so strained to this day? How might we think about the colonial period (1910-1945) on the Korean peninsula from our present, and about intra-Asian colonialism?
This introductory course offers students some snapshots of colonial era Korean literature and culture and tackles difficult but rewarding questions about this period. We will read short fictions from prominent authors of the time and discuss visual cultures (illustrations, art, films) surrounding New Woman, Indigeneity, race, and wartime mobilization. The course also invites students to consider the often-forgotten Korean diaspora and migrations created under the vast Japanese empire that exceed the limits of the peninsula: what does it mean to be “Korean” in the shifting identities of the colonized in these different places around the empire? Finally, the course examines more contemporary representations of the colonial period to think about how the colonial period haunts the present as we desire and consume the colonial.
No prior knowledge of Korean language or culture is necessary to take this course. Course assignments include a deconstructed paper (short writing exercises), a group presentation, and a final creative group project. Participation in class discussion and peer collaboration are important aspects of this course.
Learning Objectives Develop the skills to build layered and well-reasoned arguments on given topics. Practice expressing multi-stage arguments in both writing and verbal presentation and providing analyses of adequate and well-chosen evidence. Identify the differences between literary and cultural representation, what is represented, and positionality.
Teaching Method Discussions; Short Lecture
Evaluation Method Short deconstructed papers (3) throughout the quarter; one 10 minute group presentation; one creative final group project; participation
Class Materials (required) All materials available via Canvas
Overview of Course Beginning with the Choson Dynasty's integration into the modern nation-state world system in the 19th century, this course equips students with critical frameworks to explore modern Korean culture and art. The examination includes the scrutiny of discursive constructions of national subjectivity and the resulting political, social, and cultural realities. In this context, the term 'culture' in the course title is broadly defined, encompassing not only works of art but also systems of thought and social practices developed throughout the history of modern Korea.
The course will delve into fundamental questions such as: What is Korean literature, and what defines national cinema? What roles do literature, film, and art play in the construction of national subjectivity and consciousness? How have Korean writers and artists navigated the complex and ongoing process of identity construction amid the tumultuous history of colonialism, national division, diasporic displacement, and authoritarian rule? Additionally, how is the supposedly autonomous institution of art, such as the theorization and understanding of modern literature (munhak), inseparably linked to the historical adaptation of modernity? While challenging presumptions of a nation or national culture with an unchanging or seemingly 'natural' essence, the course is designed to provide students with critical techniques for exploring Korean art and culture against the backdrop of modern history.
Learning Objectives By the end of the class, students are expected to: 1. Grasp the historicity of cultural and epistemological concepts, including national culture. 2. Comprehend the intimate relationship between art, culture, identity formation, and political consciousness. 3. Historically situate canonical examples of modern Korean literature and films, recognizing their pivotal role in the development of national consciousness. 4. Analyze individual Korean artworks within the context of the artistic and cultural movements of each historical period, delving into their deeper social, ideological, and political connotations. 5. Comprehensively understand the modern history of Korea with a particular emphasis on the political and cultural history of South Korea, while acknowledging its interconnectedness with various diasporic Korean identities and cultures.
Teaching Method Discussion complemented with lectures. Students are required to participate actively in class discussions and in-class activities.
Evaluation Method 1. Attendance & Participation (20%) 2. Mid-term Essay (15%) 3. Discussion Leading (30%) 4. Final Research Project (35%)
Class Materials (required) All materials will be available on Canvas. You may need to purchase one or two films, but the instructor can provide support if needed.
ASIAN LC 240 In a Divided Country: Literature and the Arts in Cold War Korea and Beyond
Overview of class This course examines how the Cold War division of the Korean Peninsula has shaped art, cultural representations, and cultural politics from 1945 to the present. Through the analysis of literature, film, visual art, and popular media, we explore how artists, writers, and ordinary people in both South and North Korea have navigated ideological boundaries, trauma, and national identity under the constraints of state censorship, Cold War-era politics, and global superpower influence. Focusing on themes of division, collective memory, and reunification, the course investigates how creative works not only engage with historical and contemporary realities but also use imagination to reflect on the past, present, and future of both the nation and the world. While providing a broad overview of Korean arts since the division, the course also examines contemporary works—including popular K-dramas—that reimagine separation and reunification in new and thought-provoking ways.
Teaching Method Interactive discussions supplemented by targeted lectures
Evaluation Method 1. Regular Attendance, Weekly Reading Responses, and Active Class Participation: 35% 2. Midterm Essay: 15% 3. Individual Discussion Leading: 20% 4. Final Essay: 30%
Class materials (required) All academic readings will be accessible on Canvas. Please purchase the following two novels: The Guest by Hwang Sok-yong (ISBN: 9781583227510) Your Republic Is Calling You by Kim Young-ha (ISBN: 978-0151015450) Additionally, we will be watching two TV shows on Netflix.
ASIAN LC 340* The Rise of K-Culture: Korean Media and Cultural Industry Since the 1990s
Overview of Course This seminar on Korean media culture examines the development of media technologies, institutions, and practices that have shaped contemporary South Korean popular culture and led to its global prominence. In a 2021 New York Times article titled “From BTS to ‘Squid Game’: How South Korea Became a Cultural Juggernaut,” South Korea is described as an undeniable global soft power. However, this present success would have been difficult to imagine in the 1980s, when South Korean society largely viewed itself as a relatively “undeveloped” postcolonial nation, just beginning to recognize the strategic importance of its information and culture industries in the so-called age of post-industrialization. This course begins from that earlier historical moment to trace and understand the rise of South Korea’s now-prominent cultural industries. A key question we will explore is the notion of national culture—specifically South Korean culture, which is inseparable from our critical reflection on the concept of national culture itself. In this sense, we can ask, “What exactly is Korean about K-pop or K-drama?” We’ll examine how national culture, as a critical issue and a collective endeavor, is linked to postcolonial and Cold War-era nation-building projects, global debates on colonial legacies and U.S. cultural imperialism, and South Korea’s push for globalization—shaped in part by U.S. pressure—since the 1990s (or the 1980s, considering earlier structural changes in economic and technological infrastructure). In addition to investigating “Korean culture” as a concept defined in various ways across different historical periods, the course encourages critical reflection on dichotomies such as national vs. global and East vs. West. These reflections are particularly relevant in a globalized context where the production, distribution, and consumption of K-pop and other forms of Korean media frequently transcend national boundaries, often engaging with and mediated by diasporic communities.
Learning Objectives By the end of the class, students are expected to: 1. Acquire proficiency in key concepts within cultural studies, encompassing cultural production and consumption. 2. Develop familiarity with pivotal discussions and debates in hallyu (Korean Wave) studies, including soft power, national culture, global culture, cultural imperialism, cultural appropriation, and cultural hybridity. 3. Contextualize the historical evolution of the Korean cultural industry against the backdrop of globalization and neo-liberalization since the 1990s. 4. Engage in critical analysis of notions such as national culture and the Western vs. non-Western cultural dichotomy, exploring their political underpinnings and performative functions in international politics and geopolitics. 5. Comprehend the role of media technology in cultural phenomena. 6. Apply their knowledge of the above analytical frameworks and cultural theories to critically analyze individual cultural products, such as K-pop reaction videos.
Teaching Method Discussion complemented with lectures.
Evaluation Method Grades will be determined by student comprehension of lectures and readings, discussion, and a combination of smaller and in-depth writing assignments.
Class Materials (required) All course materials will be available on Canvas. However, students may be required to purchase one or two films and a Netflix subscription for viewing assignments. If you need financial support, please contact the instructor.
ASIAN LC 340* Transforming Seoul: From Imperial Periphery to Global Smart City
Overview of class Since the late 19th century, Seoul has undergone a profound transformation, connecting its historical past to the forces of global urbanization. This course examines the city's modern and contemporary development through the lens of Marxist urban theory, analyzing how Seoul continuously produces new spaces to sustain global capitalist accumulation. A key focus of the course is the relationship between urbanization and cultural representation, drawing on Fredric Jameson’s concept of “geopolitical aesthetics” to explore how literature, film, and media register the evolving social and economic landscape. By tracing the circulation of commodities, labor, and capital, we will consider how Seoul’s history reflects broader global processes, including colonialism, Cold War nation-state formation, and post-Fordist globalization. Through interdisciplinary readings in urban studies, critical media studies, literary and film analysis, and cultural theory, students will gain a deeper understanding of Seoul’s urban transformation and its significance within the wider context of planetary urbanization.
Teaching Method This course will be taught as a discussion-based seminar. Lectures will serve as supplementary material, and assume prior familiarity with the readings.
Evaluation Method 1. Regular Attendance, Preparation of Readings, and Active participation: 35% 2. Midterm Essay: 15% 3. Individual Discussion Leading: 20% 4. Final Essay: 30%
Class Materials (required) All readings will be available on Canvas. Most of the films required for the course will be accessible through either Canvas or the official channel of the Korean Federation Film Archive on YouTube. The exception is Master (2016) and 1987: When the Day Comes (2017), both of which are available for $3.99 on both YouTube and Amazon Prime, and one episode of Itaewon Class (2020), accessible on Netflix.