Korean Language Courses
- Korean Language
Korean Language
KOREAN 111-1,2,3 – Korean I
Overview of classThis is a year-long first-year course designed for beginning learners without previous knowledge in Korean language. The course aims to build students' all-around communicative ability in speaking, reading, listening and writing with a great emphasis on developing the conversational skill. Students will learn various aspects of Korean culture throughout the course.
Registration Requirements
111-1: None
111-2: Completion of 111-1 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
111-3: Completion of 111-2 with C- or above or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve the competency in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive communication and culture in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method
Students will learn the basic elements of Korean language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In this student-centered class, students will actively participate in speaking, reading, writing and listening activities. Related supplemental materials such as video clips and reading texts will be incorporated to enhance students' listening and reading skills as well as the cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method
Grade will be based on attendance and participation, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, oral tests and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press)
978-0-8248-7619-7 & 978-0-8248-8331-7
Workbook (3rd edition): Beginning 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press)
978-0-8248-7650-0 & 978-0-8248-8336-2
KOREAN 121-1,2,3 – Korean II
Overview of classThis is a year-long second-year Korean course for continuing students who finished Korean I or who have the equivalent proficiency. The course aims to further develop students' four skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing to the next level and also to bring up the competency of Communication and Cultural understanding.
Registration Requirements
121-1: Completion of 111-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
121-2: Completion of 121-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
121-3: Completion of 121-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their oral proficiency at the Intermediate Mid level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method
Various communicative activities will be employed to develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills. Also, authentic reading, writing, and visual materials that cover a wide spectrum of cultural topics will be provided to enhance student’s overall competency and cultural understanding.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, oral test and performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean (3rd edition): Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press)
978-0-8248-8677-6 & 978-0-8248-8682-0
Workbook (3rd edition) : Intermediate 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press)
978-0-8248-8676-9 & 978-0-8248-8683-7
KOREAN 125-1,2,3 – Korean II - Accelerated
Overview of class
This is a year-long second-year Accelerated Korean course for students with existing proficiencies in speaking/ listening skills and more limited reading /writing skills in Korean. It focuses more on developing students’ literacy skills to balance with their oral skills. Students will engage in various literacy activities with a textbook and authentic materials with community-based cultural activities.
Registration Requirements
125-1: The departmental placement test
125-2: Completion of 125-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
125-3: Completion of 125-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline. By the end of year, it aims to achieve interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures of the National Standards.
Teaching Method
This class is conducted exclusively in Korean with minimal grammar instruction. Students will be doing extensive writing practice, reading authentic materials, class discussions, and learning various community-related and cultural aspects of Korea.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be given based on attendance and performance, vocabulary quizzes and lesson tests, assignments, written assignments, oral performance, and final examination.
Class Materials (Required)
Integrated Korean: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020)
978-0-8248-8277-8 & 978-0-8248-8278-5
Integrated Korean Workbook: Accelerated 1 & 2 (University of Hawaii Press, 2020)
978-0-8248-8629-5 & 978-0-8248-8630-1
KOREAN 211-1,2,3 – Korean III
Overview of class
This is a year-long third-year course designed to further develop students’ linguistic and cultural ability, particularly to enhance the overall communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing toward Advanced level. The vocabulary, contents, tasks, and topics covered in class are to address a wide spectrum of linguistic, discourse and socio-cultural aspects. Students will gain in-depth knowledge in academic discourse skills and understanding of Korean language, culture, and society.
Registration Requirements
211-1: Completion of 121-3 or 125-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
211-2: Completion of 211-1 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
211-3: Completion of 211-2 with C- or above, or the departmental placement test
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Intermediate High level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication along with comparisons and cultures.
Teaching Method
Various communicative activities will be employed with the emphasis on developing three modes of communication in advanced proficiency: Interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Related authentic and cultural materials will be incorporated to enhance intercultural competence.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, lesson tests, assignments, essays, oral performance, and final project.
Class Materials (Required)
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Students’ Book (2015) Sogang University
978-89-92491-84-6 18710 and 978-89-92491-88-4 18710
Sogang Korean 4A & 4B Workbook (2015) Sogang University
978-89-92491-92-1 13710 and 978-89-92491-91-4 13710
KOREAN 311-1 – Korean IV: Readings in Korean Literature
Overview of classThis advanced Korean language course is designed to challenge students to further develop their language proficiency and to better understand Korean culture and society through Korean literary sources in the text. Students will work with various genres of Korean literature such as short stories, excerpts from novels, essays, poetry, and will practice extensive writings.
Registration Requirements
Completion of 211-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Advanced Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to develop competency in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures and comparisons in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method
Students will read and understand various genres of contemporary Korean literature. Using these authentic sources, students will expand vocabulary and advance reading proficiency. Also, students will work on to express their thoughts and opinions through discussions and write interpretive and analytical essays.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, discussion papers, reflection papers, oral presentation, and final project.
Class Materials (Required)
Instructor’s handouts
KOREAN 311-2 – Korean IV: Korean through Movies
Overview of classThis advanced Korean language course is designed to challenge students to further develop Korean proficiency by utilizing the medium of movies. Through a selection of carefully curated Korean films, students will not only enhance their language proficiency in both spoken and written discourse but also gain insights into Korean culture and society.
Registration Requirements
Completion of 211-3 with C- or above, or the departmental placement
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to have students reach their proficiency at the Advanced Low level of the ACTFL guideline by the end of year. It aims to develop competency in interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive communication as well as cultures and comparisons in conjunction with the National Standards.
Teaching Method
Students will be watching authentic Korean movies; describing topics, plots, and details of films; interpreting the cultural and social implications of films; writing interpretive and analytical essays.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be given based on attendance and class participation, vocabulary quizzes, discussion papers, reflection papers, oral presentations, and final project.
Class Materials (Required)
Instructor’s handouts
KOREAN 311-3 – Korean IV: Topics in the News
Overview of classCourse summary coming soon!Return To Top